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I Wanna Be Famous!

  1. Hollywood Celebrity Secrets 1 - Rivalry
    One of the hard parts is having rivals. Some are friendly but some others are NOT. Try and stay away from other celebrity who are going after you. You might as well want to do the stupid way (running away) or the smart way (live with it).
  2. Hollywood Celebrity Secrets 2 - Too Famous?
    Finding people who are normal and isn't famous is hard to find in the place you are!
  3. Hollywood Celebrity Secrets 3 - No More Samples!
    Free things? Well, yea you can get those when you're famous, but it's not that easy sometimes.
  4. Hollywood Celebrity Secrets 4 - Publicists
    Not only your publicity is someone whose mostly like your manager and boss, but they're like your best friend too! They know mostly everything about you.
  5. Hollywood Celebrity Secrets 5 - Move it!
    Paparazzis might get in your way but there are phhotographers too who want to take great pictures of you!
  6. Hollywood Celebrity Secrets 6 - Home Sweet Home
    Life's a bom when you got people who do stuff for you, for instance, designing your home.
  7. Hollywood Celebrity Secrets 7 - No More Auditions!
    It's pretty hard to make it into the "final round" of America's Got Talent or American Idol. But for stars, they don't have to go to auditions and go into movies. They come to you!
  8. Hollywood Celebrity Secrets 8 - And The Awards Go To...
    Going to Award ceremonies and such are fun to watch! You get to see your favorite stars and celebs. But what do you do when you gotta leave?
  9. Hollywood Celebrity Secrets 9 - Lights, Camera, Action!
    The more suspense and drama in series or shows are the best. Haven't you ever wished it would happen in real life?