Into the Heat

positvely glowing.

"Come on Juliet!" begged Travis. I started to walk faster. I didn't want to be late for class and I definitely didn't want to get talked into this. "Just sneak out. Your dad sleeps like a rock! And this night is big for us! Someone is coming to listen to us."

I turned around and started to walk backwards. "Not gonna happen, Trav!" I yelled to him, immediately turning into my Trig room, avoiding anymore pleading.


I turned my stereo up a little louder as my alarm went off. It was 11:30 and that meant that my dad was indefinitely knocked out. That meant I could finally finish my English report. I flipped through the pages of my favorite Jane Austen book and took notes.

Dink! Dink! I looked up a my window to see little black dots touching it's surface. I sighed and put my books down to get up. I walked over to the window and opened it. Travis and Hunter were smiling up at me from the car while Danny was taking pebbles from my walkway. I realized it was raining and glared at Danny. "Danny! Get in the car before you catch a cold!"

He stood up and looked at me. "I'm not going anywhere until you come out side. I'll keep throwing these, open window or not. Asleep or awake. Rain or shine." I rubbed my temples and leaned on the sill. I shook my head, this is such a bad idea, I thought to myself as I walked over to my closet to pick out something to wear. I got dressed, swiped on some lip gloss, and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I turned off my lights, lowered the volume on the radio, and grabbed my manager bag.

I opened my window wider to accommodate my body. I could hear the guys hoot and holler. They were such children. I closed my window until I could barely put my fingers under it and then stuck a few tampons under it. I turned around and jumped into Danny's arms. We got in the car and Travis sped off. I turned around to catch a glimpse of my house considering it will probably be the last time I get a good look of the outside. Drew caught my arm and whispered to me, "Don't. You'll change your mind." I nodded and snuggled up next to him.


Hunter walked me over to a guy that looked like he was in his late 20s. "Harry, this is our hot-piece-of-ass manager and all time best friend, Juliet. Juju-bee, this is Harry Cleinfeld from S-Curve Records."

I stuck out my hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"The same to you. You've got a very ace band. Talented and energetic."

I smiled. "To say the least. They are very determined and focused. If they want something, they work at it as a team. I couldn't imagine not being by their sides."

He smiled back at me with such a sweet smile, it warmed my heart. "If you care so much about them, would you mind telling them something for me? I have to get home to my wife."

"Yeah, sure." He whispered it into my ear and I nodded. "I'll tell them right away." He thanked me and gave me his card before turning to leave the party. I walked over to the guys and smiled.

"Well? Are we in?" asked Drew and Danny at the same time.

I paused for a long time, holding the suspense. Eventually I blurted out, "You're in!" and they screamed, pulling all of us into a hug. They all gave me a nice, sweet thank you kiss.

"I want to celebrate but I don't know how. I don't want to drink and I don't want to eat. What should we do?!" asked Hunter excitedly. They all turned to me. I backed away, a little scared. They smiled at me devilishly and suddenly I knew exactly what they wanted.


I snuck back into my room and got under my covers. I didn't have enough time to sleep. I decided to just took a shower, cleaning off all the nights memories. I smiled as I thought of everything that happened with my four best friends in that room. I was so in love.

I got out and dried off, doing my morning routine. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

You have 4 new messages from Travis, Danny, Hunter, Drew Would you like to view them?

I smiled and texted the guys all morning.


A few weeks later...

"You're not going to-" Danny was cut off by me running into the bathroom and puking. He ran inside and held my hair back. Once I finished, I brushed my teeth and slipped on my jacket. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go before we're late." He nodded and we headed out the door. We got to the studio right on time. I sat down and talked with the producers, trying to think of not puking again.

Eventually, we started listening to the demos. We had agreed that This Is Our Town would definitely be on the album not matter what. After going through them all at least twice, some three times, we were down to six. We were going to lay down a track. Excitedly, we all jumped and hugged. And then I fainted. When I woke up, I was at home in my bed with a sticky note on my forehead.


Took you home, you had a fever and you threw up this morning. Get well - xoxo WTK. I sighed and got out of bed. I calmly walked down the stairs and grabbed my bike helmet.

I rode down to Lucky's Quick Mart. Going straight to the 'lady products' aisle, I got what I was looking for and told Lucky that I'd pay him when I got out of the bathroom. Thank God Lucky was a neat freak or I'd have to go all the way back home to pee. Stupid orange juice.

I did what I need to do, leaving waiting as the only thing left to do. I got the mass text ready just in case.

I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them. I walked out of the bathroom and handed Lucky a five. "Keep the change."

"Thanks, Juliet." I nodded and headed home.


The car ride was silent. It was all intense or awkward but it wasn't the same. Danny kept sighing and looking out different windows. Hunter had a concentrated look on his face like he was trying to solve a Rubik's cube. Drew was playing Mario on his Gameboy with me. Travis, well, he was a ghost. I think he was just trying to pay attention to the road.

We walked in and Travis stepped up to the counter to talk to the woman. I sat at the end with Drew so we could still play. I almost beat him but Travis tapped me on the shoulder and handed me a clip board. I sighed and started to fill it out. I got to the last question and I froze.

Are you pregnant? (Check yes or no)

I was breathing deeply. I turned to the guys. They were all looking bad at me with the same guilty expression as mine. Travis shook his head and looked back at his phone. He sighed and muttered to me, "Check yes, Juliet."