Status: Complete

Like Walking Into a Dream


“Brian what?” Casey asked. We were sitting on my bed and talking, trying to catch up on everything. She was actually taking my break up with Eric better than I thought she would. I expected her to hit me with a pillow at least, but she just nodded and said she wanted the best for me.

“Brian asked me to move in with him,” I said again before taking a sip of my water bottle.

“What did you say?” she asked in awe while resting her chin in her hands as she laid down on the covers of the bed.

“I said I would think about it. It feels like things are moving too fast and I don’t want us to get tired of each other before something even starts between us!” I sighed exasperated. Casey giggled at me before smacking my arm.

“Ow, what was that for?” I asked with a groan and frown.

“For not accepting,” she replied with a cheesy smile. One of my brows lifted at her expression.

“You want me to move in with a man that I only met a few weeks ago, oh and not to mention he is a world known rock star?” I asked. Casey nodded.

“Yup, it helps that he’s damn hot too. Don’t let him go when he obviously likes you,” she said drinking her water. I groaned again and let my head fall face first into the feather comforter.

“You just made this so much harder. I was leaning towards renting a flat nearby, but now I kind of want to take him up on his offer.”

“Then do it.”

“But what if—“

“No what if’s. Just live in the moment!” Casey scolded me. I smiled a little and nodded. Maybe living with Brian would be a fun experience. It would cheer me up if I saw his face every day.

I stood up and got my phone off of my TV stand in the bedroom. I needed to call Brian. Casey smirked and sat up to listen to the conversation. I slowly typed in his number and it rang a few times before I heard his voice on the other line.


“Hey Bri, it’s Peyton.”

“Hey! What’s up?” he asked sounding pleased that I called him.

“I was wondering if your offer still stood for me to move in with you…”

“Of course it does! Are you going to?!” he nearly screamed into the phone. I smiled happily.

“I’ve been talking to Casey and I think that I do want to move in with you. But just as roommates… for now.” Brian was so excited that he said he was calling the moving company after we hung up.

“Is that normal?” I asked once I hung up with him. Casey shrugged her shoulders.

“He must have it bad for you, Pey.” We both laughed and began packing my clothes into suitcases. If Brian really did call the moving company then we needed to hurry up with the packing.


Once we had all my personal belongings packed, I heard the front door bell ring. I opened the door and saw a beaming Brian standing in front of me. Behind him were a moving van and some burly men to load my things into it.

“You outdid yourself,” I said raising an eyebrow.

“Let’s get this show on the road!” he walked inside with the men behind him and they went straight to me room where Casey was watching them wide eyed.

“Sure, you guys can come in. No problem, just make yourselves at home. I don’t care…” I mumbled and shut the door. Brian and the guys came back out and I opened the door again because their hands were full with cardboard boxes. I almost laughed when Brian almost fell.

“That was fast,” Casey muttered beside me. I nodded and looked around at the other furniture in the house. I was only going to take the things that I bought with my own money and leave everything else for Eric.

The guys came back in and I told them to load my bookshelf and desk along with all my studying materials for college that I may need later in life. I have to be prepared…

Once we had everything packed, Casey headed to work and I rode with Brian to his house. The huge men unpacked everything from the van and left us to do the rest.

“Where should we start?” Brian asked rubbing his hands together and smiling. I shook my head, but smiled anyway and walked over to a box of books and my bookshelf.

“Let’s get the bigger furniture into the room I’ll be using and then we can started unpacking. Brian and I carried the bookshelf and desk into my new room and we arranged it until I was happy.

“You can unpack my books while I do my clothes. I want them in order my series and alphabetize the the authors,” I said seriously. Brian chuckled and began taking books out of the box. Hey, give me a break. I like my books.

I opened up a box of clothes and began hanging shirts up and folding the jeans and putting them in drawers in the dresser, Brian already had in the room.

“What do you want for dinner?” I asked as we worked.

“We can go get take out—“

“Nope, I like cooking dinner at home. So I’m guessing we are going to have to go grocery shopping,” I grinned at him.

“Yeah, I don’t really have any food here to cook with,” he said sheepishly and ran a hand through his messy hair. Once we finished unpacking all my things, I told Brian to go take inventory and make a grocery list. I needed to call Eric and let him know I was out of the house.


“Hey, it’s Peyton.”

“Is something wrong?” he asked puzzled.

“No, I was just calling to let you know that I found a place and I’m already out of the house. I only took what was mine so you still have most of the furniture.”

“Peyton, you didn’t have to rush to leave. I wasn’t going to force you out,” he said softly.

“I know, but we both need to get our lives back on track and that means me moving out,” I replied.

“I guess so. Thanks for letting me know.”

“You're welcome. Bye Eric,” I hung up and walked into the kitchen to find Brian rummaging through his nearly empty fridge. I snuck up behind him and whispered in his ear.

“Anything in there?” Brian jumped and spun around.

“Peyton, that scared the shit out of me,” he groaned before kissing my cheek sweetly. I smiled and took the list from him. He had several junk foods written down and none of the necessities.

“Bri, you suck at this.” I laughed when Brian crossed his arms and pouted. I fixed the list and made sure we needed to get milk, eggs, bread, vegetables, fruit, and other things.

“Ready to go?” I asked.

“On one condition.” Brian held up one finger. I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to continue.

“I get to hold your hand the entire time.”

“Do you know how hard that will be while pushing a heavy cart?” I asked with a chuckle.

“We’ll figure it out.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Time flew by and it's been way too long. Sorry guys.