Status: Complete

Like Walking Into a Dream


“Do we really have to watch this?” I asked sitting next to Brian on the couch. Brian gave me a look and hit play.

“I like to laugh at what the media says about me,” he added and leaned back into the cushions, resting his arm on the back of the couch behind me. I sighed and got comfy next to him.

“That makes one of us,” I mumbled and watched the gossip show start.

“In other news, the lead guitarist of the band Avenged Sevenfold has been seen recently with a possible new love interest. Since his break up with Michelle, Peyton Harrison has filled her place in the Brian’s life. There are rumors going around that they have been secretly seeing each other for most of his and Michelle’s engagement, but also that she might be pregnant and that is the reason why they are now living together. What do you think, Clark?” The woman host said to the man next to her.

“I think that Brian knocked the young girl up and now they are stuck together for the baby’s sake.”

“That could be possible, but once again these are just rumors. We also have a special guest on the show today. Brian’s ex-fiancée, Michelle, is here to clear up these rumors.”
The audience clapped and Michelle walked onto the stage in an ugly, skimpy, purple dress that was too tight for her body. Pregnant? They thought I was fucking pregnant and a bitch like Michelle was going to clear up the rumors??

“Thank you for joining us today.”

“It’s my pleasure, Julie. I just want all these misunderstandings to go away so I can move on in my life without Brian.”

“Let’s start there then. What is the real reason why you and Brian broke things off?”
Julie asked. Michelle put on an obviously fake sad expression and tried to look innocent in front of the camera.

“I thought our relationship was great, wonderful really. I was happy planning our wedding and Brian’s horrible car accident set things back.” I distinctly remember her not giving a shit when he was in the hospital…

“I was so support of him during that time, but he was never home after he was released and I had to find out through the tabloids that he had been seeing that tramp, Peyton.”

“How did they meet?”

“She was the nurse in charge of taking care of him after the wreck and her fiancé was Brian’s doctor. She broke things off with him too before she and Brian got together.”
Michelle was making me sound like a witch. Eric and I are on good terms and it’s not like I cast him aside and treated him horribly…

“How did you confront Brian about the article you saw in the magazine?”

“Well, I was out shopping when I saw it and went home immediately. Brian was still asleep and I wanted to let him rest, but I had to know the truth so I carefully woke him up.”
Brian scoffed and glanced at me.

“She threw the magazine at me and was screaming…Bitch,” he muttered. I held back a smile at his attitude towards Michelle. It made me feel better that I wasn’t the only one who hated her so much.

“Once he was awake, I handed him the article and asked him to explain. Brian got all defensive and started yelling at me. I didn’t know what to do and the situation got blown out of proportion and then he told me to pack my shit and get out…”

“You poor thing… Did he tell you if he was cheating on you with her?”

“He didn’t want to talk about it, but by watching his behavior, I can assume that he was. We haven’t even been separated for too long and he already has her living with him…”
Brian finally turned off the TV and glared at it.

“I told you I didn’t want to watch it. What happened to laughing?” I asked crossing my arms. Brian turned to me and smirked before pulling his phone out.

“I can make both of us laugh and Michelle will hate it.” I raised an eyebrow and listened to the phone call he made.

“Hey, this is HBB, Huntington Beach Broadcasting, right?...Yes, this is Brian Haner Jr., Synyster Gates. I just watched your newest episode of Stars Exposed and that was a load of bullshit about me that wasn’t even true…No, I’m not filing for a law suit…I would like to go on the show and straighten everything out…Yes, I’m bringing the band with me, but they won’t be as involved…Peyton will be there too…Yes, thank you. Goodbye.” Brian hung up and looked at me, but I just glared.

“Did you just sign me up to go on a celebrity gossip show?” I asked.

“Yup, and the guys too. We are going to reveal Michelle as the liar that she is.” Brian got up and walked towards to kitchen, but stopped and turned to face.

“Let’s cook something to eat. I like your cooking better than fast food.” I smiled lightly and went into the kitchen to help him make dinner. It’s starting to become a routine for us.


“Stars Exposed? Really man?” Matt asked while rubbing his buzzed head. We were all backstage and waiting to go onto the show with Julie and Clark. First it would be Brian and me and then the guys would join us later.

“It’s time for you two to go on,” one of the staff members said and ushered us to the stage. I was wearing a black pencil skirt that went up to the middle of my stomach with a white blouse tucked into it and simple black heels. Brian was wearing a white button up with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark washed jeans.

We sat down on the couch across from Julie and Clark who were sizing us up. Brian gently held my hand and made sure we were sitting close together.

“Welcome to the show,” Julie said. Her fake blonde hair needed to be redone because I could see her darker roots coming in. I hate it when dark haired girls bleach their hair, but still have dark eyebrows that don’t match their hair…

“So, you actually called the station yesterday and said you wanted to be on the show. Why is that?” Julie asked with a flirtatious smile. Brian leaned back and pulled me closer to him.

“I watched your show yesterday and everything that Michelle said was bullshit. Excuse my language, but she is a natural born liar. She lied her way back into my life after she cheated on me 2 years ago and convinced me to marry her and now she’s trying to gain sympathy because I finally got rid of her and found someone who makes me happy. She only made the rumors worse,” Brian stated. Clark leaned forward.

“I see. So care to explain?” he asked.

“Yeah, I met Peyton at the hospital of course, but we were introduced through Jimmy who was a common friend between us. And for the record, Peyton didn’t want anything to due with me when it came to moving forward in our relationship. She was fully dedicated to Eric at the time.”

“Then what was going on with the article?” Julie asked crossing her arms.

“Eric and I were having lunch, but he had to go to the hospital and Brian passed by after he left and joined me for lunch. We spent the rest of the day talking because we were becoming friends then,” I answered this time.

“And Michelle, did NOT wake me up gently. She came screaming into the bedroom and threw the magazine at me and started accusing me of cheating on her. Peyton and I never did anything like that.” Brian defended me. Clark and Julie looked at each other before facing the audience.

“We also have Brian’s band Avenged Sevenfold waiting back stage. Let’s bring them out and see what they have to say about Brian and Peyton.” On cue, the guys came out and took seats.

“So, who do you like better, Michelle or Peyton?” Clark asked. There was no hesitation and they all said my name at the same time. Julie raised her eyebrows.

“That’s was kind of weird. Care to explain?”

“Michelle is a royal bitch and we’ve been trying to get Bri to end things with her for the past year. She just used him for his money and popularity. She didn’t love him, but Peyton is a whole other story. She really cares about Brian and takes care of him. She’s told me countless times that she hates being in the spotlight and she’s probably hating being on this show. Knowing Brian, he probably didn’t give her a choice,” Jimmy said with a wide smile.

“Really now? How else are they different?” Clark asked showing genuine interest. The audience was also paying close attention.

“That’s easy. Peyton takes care of him. She cleans and even gets Brian to cook dinner with her every night. She evens cooks for us sometimes too which is great because her cooking is amazing… Oh and she makes him exercise with her,” Matt listed. I blushed, but Brian squeezed my hand and kissed my temple.

“It seems to me like Michelle likes to play the part of the wolf hiding in a sheep’s skin,” Clark concluded.

“You got that right!” Zacky exclaimed.

“Peyton, what about the rumor saying you’re pregnant? Is there any truth behind that?” Julie asked.

“None whatsoever. I don’t know where people got that idea from…”

“YEAH! Because those two haven’t had sex yet and trust me, I would know if they did,” Jimmy stated proudly, but Brian and I just blushed bright red.

“Peyton and I haven’t done anything wrong, but only realized that we were with the wrong people. One day we will take our relationship to the next level, but for now all we know is that we care about each other,” Brian said.

“And just what is your relationship now?” Julie asked with keen interest. I glanced at Brian. We hadn’t really said that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, but we acted like we were.

“I’m his girlfriend,” I said with confidence and Brian’s wide smirk reassured my statement.
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MORE drama soon!!(: I love bashing Michelle. I think I may have overdone it, but really... I don't like her.(: COMMENTS!