Status: Active

Something Unexpected

It's My Time


Lucas’s POV

I sat on the couch glancing around the room. I had to keep an eye out, watch my every move, and maybe then I’d notice the creeper stalking me a camera in hand. Then I’d jump on him, and beat the living shit out of him. I grinned in satisfaction, that’s exactly what I would do.

But...what about Avery? What would I do about her? I didn’t understand it, she hurt me, but yet I wanted her so bad.

Avery’s POV

I was sitting on my bed angry about Lucas, but also guilty. I felt like I loved him but I just couldn’t. I shook my head out of frustration falling back onto the pillows almost about to cry when my phone slightly vibrated. I reached over and looked at the name. Lauren stuck out like a mocking sign, and I felt my heart stop. What the hell did SHE want?

I flipped open the phone and the text petrified me.

I thought Lucas was your boyfriend not your stepbrother. And you call me a skank Avery.

I read the text over and over again unable to get the hint inside my head, how did she find out about this, no one knew Lucas was going to be my step brother except Diana and Adrian and of course Lucas. Unless he was the one that told her. The guilt that was inside of me somehow disappeared, and without a thought I felt myself stand up from the bed and swing the door open almost rampaging down the stairs to see Lucas sitting on the couch.

“You’re an ass!” I screamed angrily. Lucas’s head shot up and he looked utterly confused as he lifted his hands up defensively in the air.

“What are you talking about?” He stood up from the couch and took one step forward keeping his distance.

“Why don’t you read it yourself you selfish jerk!” I grabbed my phone and tossed it at him watching him catch it skillfully and read the text his face whitening.

“You think I told her didn’t you?” I took several steps forward until I was only a few inches away from his face.

“No, what’d make you think that Lucas” I stated sarcastically glaring at him feeling the anger boil inside of me. Lucas shook his head putting the phone on the coffee table.

“Avery I didn’t tell her anything, the news, the paparazzi they took photos and they made up a story and it’s on TV, don’t worry I’m handling it” If I thought the text was a disaster, this was the end of the world. My hand grabbed the remote from behind him and he watched hesitantly as I flipped on the TV. The news came up and then the story he was talking about came up. I didn’t care about the photos, or what the stupid host was saying. The only thing that I was paying any attention to was the headline. “Lucas Kane is dating his step sister” I felt my throat hitch and I thought I was going to faint.

“No” I whispered motionless gawking at the TV with complete disbelief. I flipped off the TV closing my eyes wishing for this to be a nightmare and not reality.

“This isn’t happening” I continued when I felt the warmth of Lucas’s hand on the bare skin of my shoulder.

“They think” He paused as I turned to face him and he starred at me and sighed.

“They think I’m sleeping with you and their making this big deal about it, but Avery I swear I called my manager their going to fix it right now, and so am I” I scoffed falling onto the couch and starring up at a convinced Lucas.

“Avery! I’m sorry for all of this, I’m sorry I kissed you in the car, I’m sorry I got mad at you, I’m sorry I yelled, and I’m sorry for this entire story, but I’m going to fix it, and as soon as Diana and my dad get married I’ll move away and you won’t have to worry about anything...I swear” He bent to my level and he took my face in his hands. I felt my heart flutter, and the same feeling I had in the car rose up, the only difference was that I would not let anything happen this time, it just WON’T happen. His eyes scanned my face as he passed his thumb over my cheek and I leaned into the palm of his hand bringing my hand to his and pressing it against my cheek.

“Lucas?” Lucas leaned in closer as I pressed my back against the couch. His hand was still on my face and he was starring intently at me with those blue eyes that stopped my heart every single time I looked at them.

“Yea?” He continued to lean in until I felt his lips close to mine, and my breath quickened. I wanted to tell him I lied that night, that I lied to protect both of us and that truly I wanted him, and I wanted him to kiss me. Then my heart for once smacked my brain away and for once in my life I didn’t care, and for once I did what would be good for ME.

“Last night, I lied” He smiled and let out a small laugh.

“I was hoping you’d say that” Then he leaned in bringing his lips to mine. My heart was going crazy and I felt the butterflies in my stomach grow more and more intense. I leaned forward still kissing him as the hands that were on my cheeks slid down to my waist and he sat down beside me on the couch kissing me more and more deeply. I felt one of his hands slide down and touch my leg as he leaned down pressing me closer to the couch. I let out a small giggle when his lips brushed my neck, and then I heard the key in the front door. I didn’t even need to push Lucas off, he had already flown off and went on the opposite end of the couch grabbing a magazine and fidgeting uncomfortably while I grabbed the remote flipping on the TV when Diana and Adrian entered the house laughing. There laughter seized when they caught a glimpse of us. I would have probably stopped laughing too.

I knew exactly what they saw. They saw Lucas his hair all messed up holding a magazine tightly and awkwardly. Then they saw me, my shirt messed up, my hair tangled, holding a remote not even knowing what was on the screen.

“Hello Lucas” Adrian glanced at him lifting up his eyebrows while Lucas just looked up trying to look casual and laughed still holding the magazine.

“Hey dad” He forced a smile and there was this awkward tension in the room, it didn’t take long for Diana to glance at me and let her mouth drop open slightly.

Adrian and Diana didn’t say a single word. Instead they just climbed up the stairs and me and Lucas waited to hear the door shut before we sighed in relief.

“That was really embarrassing” Lucas groaned leaning back on the couch while I let a small chuckle escape my lips. I sat up resting on my knees and inching toward him grabbing the collar of his shirt.

“It could have been worse” I smirked causing Lucas to lift his eyebrows and smile.

“Now, are you going to tell me this was all an act, or are you going to tell me, this actually means something” I fiddled with the collar of his shirt pulling it slightly closer so that he’d lean to me, then he sat up pressing his hand on my shoulder blade so my body was closer to his.

“No, I’m not, in fact I’m going to tell you right now” I smiled leaning in until my lips were close to his, then I whispered feeling the words flow and my body float.

“This absolutely means something” Then I pressed my lips onto his.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys new chapter! the chapter all of you have been waiting for :) No worries this is NOT THE CLIMAX!!! Be expecting a lot more after this!!!! So if you like it SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT!!! pleasee!!! :) Thanks again and I hope you enjoyed this!