Status: Active

Something Unexpected

No Way Is This Happening


Avery’s POV

It had been a couple of hours since the incident with Lucas. Luckily Diana and Adrian had left the house, and Lucas was roaming around. Since then, I had been beating myself up. I had been selfish, I let my emotions get the best of me, and in all that chaos I had one again kissed Lucas, and admitted to liking him. I truly felt something with him, but I was scared. I was scared about potentially risking my aunt’s happiness and marriage, I was scared for Lucas’ reputation, and I was extremely scared of Lucas; he was known for being a huge player, but oddly I cared for him so much that I didn’t give a damn about putting all of my feelings on the line. The door creaked open and I glanced up to see Lucas leaning against the doorframe a faint smile hugging his lips. The sun was setting and only a faint light was hitting his face allowing for his gorgeous blue eyes to light up showing all sorts of excitement and joy, I had never seen a guy look at me with that expression, and just glancing at him made my heart flutter with joy.

“We should go to the beach” He stepped inside the room and I began to feel instantly nervous and anxious.

“What if the paparazzi take more pictures?” I questioned watching him glance down at the seat next to me and plop down on the bed.

“Want to know the honest truth? I don’t care anymore” He smirked letting out a short laugh and falling back onto the bed resting on his back his hands behind his head.

“They can go to hell” He continued, I frowned moving my body toward him so I can glance down at his face.

“Lucas, it’s your reputation I’m worried about, I’m kind of your step sister, the press already have a lead, it fixable right now, but if more pictures get out, it’d be the end of the world”

“Well I guess my rep can go to hell too” I groaned letting my head fall my hair covering my face.

“Your being stubborn, I’m trying to meet you half way, but your making this really difficult” I felt the warmth of his hand on my face and he tucked my hair behind my ear.

“Avery Brooks, for once...think about yourself. Be selfish” He grinned foolishly making me roll my eyes playfully and nudge him. Lucas then grabbed onto my waist pulling me toward him so our faces were only inches away.

“So, how about the beach?” He questioned grinning up at me.

“Well if your so interested in throwing your entire career in the crap hole in one day, I’d say it sounds fantastic, but since I’m trying to be the better person and not risk any of that, I say no” Lucas huffed and starred at me placing his hand on my face.

“Then I’m going to go with the first option. So I’m going to get dressed, and I expect you to be dressed and ready to go by the time I’m ready” He grinned sitting up and pecking my lips once before he got back onto his feet making his way to the door. I watched him leave, and only a few more seconds later he came back in giving me a deeper kiss making the walls around me spin around.

“Here, if it makes you feel better, do this for me” One last kiss on my forehead and he was once again out the door leaving me feeling like a hot nervous mess.

With what strength I don’t know, but I managed to get up and lock the door grabbing a flannel shirt with a tank top and a pair of shorts and flip flops. It was already too late, so actually getting in the water was pointless, so a bathing suit was unessciery. I stripped off my clothing and got dressed glancing in my mirror to make sure everything looked okay. I glanced at myself smiling in agreement, I was going to have fun tonight, other things didn’t matter. A soft knock came at the door and I reached toward the knob opening the door to see Lucas, he was also wearing a flannel which was buttoned up leaving a little bit of his chest showing, and a pair of jeans. I smiled to see his hair all messed up and he just grinned while we walked toward the steps and out the house to the beach.

Even though the sun was already set the ocean looked more beautiful then ever, then again I think the fact that Lucas was holding my hand made it that way. We left our shoes carelessly aside not caring what would happen to them and then we walked along the shoreline swinging our hands back and forth.

“Well” Lucas smiled.

“Well” I answered laughing, Lucas smiled at me before he hesitantly opened his mouth.

“What happened to your parents, I mean you don’t have to tell me, but I figured if were going to be living in the same house-“ Lucas stopped and shook his head frowning.

“Never mind” He laughed nervously and I smiled shaking my head.

“It’s alright Lucas, I don’t mind telling you” I cleared my throat and we continued to walk.

“My dad left when I was little, and my mom died from Leukimia” Lucas glanced at me guiltily and then took in a deep breath.

“I’m sorry Avery” He frowned and I shook my head smiling.

“Hey it’s alright, my dad was an ass, and booked it a few years after I was born, I heard he was rich or some bs like that, and my mom, well what matters to me is that she fought back” Lucas’s hand tightened around mine and I looked down at my feet even though I knew Lucas was starring at me.

“How old were you when it happened?” He asked quietly.

“Eleven” I could tell Lucas winced and he forced a smile.

“My mom passed away too” I glanced at him and I watched the stern expression cross his face trying to hide his emotions.

“What happened?” I lowered my voice and we stepped off the shoreline sitting down in the sand happy to have the company of each other.

“Well, before I became a actor, we were unstable, my dad was a businessman but he had been going through this break, my mom sick and tired of all the problems left and divorced him, in only a month she found some stupid guy and brought him home” Lucas’s jaw tightened and I took his hand in mine. He glanced down at our hands and the corner of his mouth lifted in a faint smile.

“Well I didn’t like him, a month later I found out he beat her” I was in utter shock and disbelief, I would have never thought that Lucas had to deal with this before his fame.

“I was fifteen then, I was actually a pretty built kid and I thought I could take on the guy, I ended up getting a hit on him, but he managed to get me pretty bad” He paused and glanced at me.

“Do you want to know the rest?” I looked at him and starred him straight in the eyes looking for the answer if he wanted to tell me.

“Only if you want to Lucas” He nodded and continued on with the story.

“My dad was pissed off, he went to go complain to my mom and call out this guy, when he arrived at their apartment she had killed herself, so they say” Lucas scoffed and shook his head.

“I don’t believe it. I think that asshole killed her, oddly he wasn’t there when the police got there” He whispered softly. We sat there in silence for a few minutes, and it wasn’t that awkward silence of when on the first date one of the people talks about their exes, or when your say something stupid and the other person doesn’t know what to say. This silence was a moment of understanding, no matter how cheesy it may sound, it was a moment where both me and Lucas understood each other’s pain.

“Sometimes I think the reason I came out so screwed up was because of that” He mumbled softly.

“Don’t talk like that, you aren’t screwed up” I shook my head and he let out a laugh.

“I’m a nightmare for girls, it’s like I try to avoid falling in love because” He paused and glanced at me.

“I’m scared about ending up like my dad, every single time I find a girl I think I might go far with I think of how my mom left him hanging, then I close myself up” I looked at him and he starred back intently at me.

“For some reason, it hasn’t happened with you, and I’m glad” He smiled before we both leaned in and pressed our lips together. The happiness overfilled me and I couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. I was so overjoyed I didn’t notice the flash until Lucas pulled away quickly.

“What was that?” I questioned confusedly, Lucas stood up and looked around determined. Another flash and faster then I ever seen Lucas took off toward where the flash was coming from.

“Lucas!” I yelled chasing after him, I watched as a shadow began to run away from him and Lucas went faster catching up to a shadow. And I swear, better then any football I’ve seen, including the NFL, Lucas jumped and took the running figure down tumbling into the sand.

“Are you alright?!” I yelled running up next to Lucas who was struggling with the still shadow. Then the person sat up, and my heart stopped.

“You?!” Lucas yelled grabbing onto the guy’s collar and shaking it roughly.

“You’re an asshole!” Then my hand got the best of me and I slapped David straight across the face.
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Hey guys new chapter! I hope you liked it! If you did please comment subscribe message me ANYTHING! just let me know your opinion or even ideas :) It's even good to hear some straight forward criticism THANKS! And I hope you enjoyed the update!!