Status: Active

Something Unexpected

Me? Him? Us? Together? I Don't Think So

Lucas’ POV

Way to go dad, let me know in advance that your fiancé’s niece lived in the house. When I had been standing there watching her annoyed face, I almost felt sympathy. She didn’t look happy, I wasn’t happy; maybe we could have gotten along if I had screwed it up just like she said I always did. I began to mock her when she was trying to help. She seemed nice, I guess, if you’re into charity. Pretty? Eh, I’ve seen better, but she was alright to have to stay with for three months. The only thing that caught my attention was those beautiful big green eyes. Beautiful...Really Lucas?

I rolled my eyes before I plopped down on the bed feeling the hard spring hit my back with a large force that brought a grimace to my face. Springs? Great, a bad summer with no sleep. I thought of things I could possibly do with no phone, a dead I-Pod, and not even a computer to comfort me. There was a beach close to the house, but I honestly didn’t want to leave the comfort of the room, especially with her only a few feet away from me. A chill made its way through my body making me smile. Before I could even start to picture anything in my head my brain quickly stopped, almost slapping me across the face. Don’t even think about it Lucas! I sat straight up in bed grabbing my suitcase and starting to unpack, I would never think of her like that, even if hell froze over. A loud boom from a stereo caused my eyes to widen and glance up at the door, what the hell is going on? Instinctively I got up from the bed and walked out into the hall to see what was going on. It was coming from Avery’s room and suddenly my damn curiosity led me to her door, and to my hand slowly twisting the knob and peaking in.

Avery’s POV

The sadness quickly faded to anger to the point I thought my blood was boiling. I glanced at my stereo, my aunt was going to murder me for sure, but it was the only way I was going to actually relax enough to look at Lucas and not kill him. I walked to the stereo almost painfully popping in the All Time Low CD and waiting for it to load before I turned up the radio letting out a sigh in relief. I then plopped down on my bed and closed my eyes a smile on my lips. I wasn’t asleep I was completely aware, waiting for any sign of Diana’s yell, or a crash, or a knock, anything to let me know no one was approving the noise. But slowly the stress took its toll and my eyes felt heavy and I began to drift away when I felt warmth on my cheeks, and for some reason my heart was fluttering.

Lucas’s POV

Avery was completely asleep on her bed, and Diana was yelling from downstairs about the music. So trying, at least something more then what Avery was doing, I was going to get on her good side. I walked in lowering the music and walking toward Avery’s bed and starring down at her. For some reason I didn’t look at her like I looked at other girls, it was different, could it be because we were going to be future “step siblings”, or the fact she just wasn’t like most girls. Her thick eyelashes dark against her glowing tan skin. Her dark brown hair, those kissable lips, how could a guy like me even try to resist? The only thing that was missing from her beauty was those glowing green eyes that caught my attention as soon as I had walked in through the door. Those vulnerable green eyes that made me tell myself, I’d protect her forever and ever, and never let any harm come to her. The beautiful green eyes, I wanted to be starring at, at this precise moment. My hand touched her cheek, and at this point a warning sign went off. What in the hell were you doing Lucas!? Profound Hollywood teenage player growing a soft spot for a Plain Jane you’ve never even met?! The word Plain Jane hit me like a brick to my chest, how could I have said that to her? Never in a million years did I mean it! Avery had beauty, girls back home had makeup, and a shit load of money to buy themselves their looks.

Glancing down at her I watched her eyes flutter open a light flush coming to her cheeks as she sat up quickly pressing her hand to the side of her face almost shocked that I was there with her. Then the wall I had put up before I got here and that was torn down when I first saw her, was rebuilt only in seconds.

“What are you doing in my room?” Her words were more stunned then annoyed, but I took it as a reason to become defensive.

“Look you were blasting the music and your aunt was flipping out, plus it was annoying the fuck out of me” I smirked rolling my eyes and walking to the door. I couldn’t even think about what I had just told her, why don’t I get a sharpie and write inconsiderate ass on my forehead? She had just woken up to guy she didn’t even know starring down at her touching her cheek and she didn’t even mention it. Oho something better! How about instead of inconsiderate ass I write creep?

“Don’t ever come in my room, especially since you will be here for the next three months, I don’t ever want you in here” I watched her almost shocked for what she had said, then my brain completely took over and kicked my heart out of the way. She isn’t your type, you’ve dated better. Anyways who is going to look better, this small town Plain Jane or a gorgeous blonde who has a reputation?

Avery’s POV

The warmth caused my heart to go into a frenzy and when I opened my eyes. Bright blue eyes were starring down at me. Lucas was watching me almost intently. My brain was somewhat damaged with all of this, and for some reason I couldn’t connect the dots. Why was he here? Why was he looking at me? What did he want? My brain was racking all the possibilities but my heart continued pounding. And for a second instead of any hatred, I wished, I hoped, for those warm lips to kiss me, for those blue eyes to stare at me like this more often, and for his arms to wrap themselves around me. I could have almost heard the slap as I came whirling back into reality. I resolved my thoughts by automatically turning extremely angry for him being in my room. And after another argument I watched him walk away, and walk out of my door, and for some reason instead of feeling happiness, I felt sadness. What the hell was going on with me? I hated him, I know I hate him! Then why was it now, only after a few minutes of knowing him, I wanted him? It would never happen, I’d make sure it’d never happen. I will never love or even like Lucas Kane, even if hell froze over...right? Then again I had said something like this only a few hours ago, and now I realized how completely wrong I had been.
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New chapter! Hey guys thanks for the subscribes!!! :) Please please comment if you really like this story I really would appreciate to know my readers thoughts about this story! I'm tyring to write an original fic and I honestly don't know if it's good. So please! comments messages subscribes would be very much appreciated! Thanks For reading and enjoy!!! :)