Status: Active

Something Unexpected


Avery’s POV

I laid flat on the bed for the rest of the day, changing from watching TV, listening to music, writing some of my latest work, then back to laying on my back watching the ceiling fan turn round and round. Before I knew it my blue room looked dark and it was already night time letting me know it was definitely time for bed. Then finally I didn’t think about anything except how tired I was so I changed into a big off the shoulders shirt and shorts, and I just slept.

The next morning I woke up stumbling my way to the bathroom and brushing my teeth and washing my face. I combed through my tangled hair and when I glanced in the mirror I actually approved. Yes it was morning, but there was something about me that was different, I was glowing. I lifted my eyebrows, could it be because he’s here? I cautiously looked at myself, and for some reason my confidence built and I smirked walking out of the bathroom swaying my hips as I walked down the stairs hearing a few voices. When I walked into the dining room breakfast was already laid out and the conversation eased and everyone looked up at me lifting their eyebrows. I glanced nervously at Lucas who quickly looked down; I couldn’t help but grin a little. His hair was a bit messy, and it didn’t look like he slept much, but something about this Lucas made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

“You’re up early” My aunt spoke confusedly, I glanced at the clock almost shocked 9am? What the hell is wrong with me today?

“I guess...” I starred around the room and laughed nervously pulling up a seat at the table.

“Beautiful day, the sun woke me up” I grinned and my aunt nodded taking a bite of her toast still cautiously looking at me like I had gone crazy.

“Your right, you should take Lucas to the beach” My aunt proposed lifting her eyebrows and smiling. The grin on my face faded and I had to force it back on.

“Oh Lucas just got here he’s probably tired, aren’t you Lucas?” I glanced up at him and he smirked shaking his head.

“I appreciate you caring about me Avery, but I think the beach just sounds wonderful” He grabbed his cup of orange juice and lifted up winking at me.

“It’s not me caring, I’m trying to be polite” I scoffed serving myself some scrambled eggs.

“I’d love to” Lucas smiled at my aunt and my heart almost killed over in my chest, and I almost fell out of my seat. I can’t be alone with him, not now, not how I was feeling, this will cause some serious emotional damage!

“Ok that sounds great, just be home by six we made a reservation at a really nice restaurant today, dress nicely” Adrian smiled sweetly at both of us, I smiled back but Lucas just glared at his dad then forced a smile.

“Sounds great” Lucas emphasized great sarcastically which I knew and so did Adrian but my aunt just grinned.

“No Avery why don’t you hurry so you can get dressed in your swimsuit and show Lucas around” I nodded and didn’t say one word. I could tell I had slowed down my eating pace, saying I had lost my appetite and I really didn’t want to go to the beach with Lucas. It gave us a reason to talk. After I finished eating both me and Lucas went upstairs.

“Look you don’t have to go, we can “go out” then just go our separate ways” I spoke starring up at him. Lucas just shrugged and smirked down at me.

“And miss all the fun? Let’s just go out to the beach, maybe it’ll give us a reason to get to know each other” Then I watched him walk into the guest room and close the door behind him leaving me standing in the middle of the hall completely shocked. Get to know each other? I guess I wasn’t the only one who woke up completely out of whack.

So awkwardly I walked into my room and dug through my drawers before I found my swimsuit. A navy blue Hollister bikini, then I grabbed some dark shorts and a white off the shoulder tank top. Quickly I changed and glanced in the mirror to make sure I looked good, why did I even was just Lucas. I looked in the mirror and a glowing girl looked back at me, I never looked like this, there was seriously something wrong. I shook it off and walked into the hall to bump into a hard body and when I looked up Lucas was holding onto my arms starring down at me smiling.

“I’m sorry” I felt a light blush come onto my cheeks while I watched those blue eyes stare down at me.

“No problem” He continued to hold onto my arms and then both of us awkwardly pulled away and I glanced nervously at him.

“Want to get going? I figured we could hit some of the stores by the beach, their really pretty, but you might not like them, they aren’t as extravagant as the stores you’re probably used to”

“Trust me the smaller the better, plus I’m into the small surf shops and those types of things, bet you never knew that” He grinned foolishly and for the first time around him I laughed, it was ok to talk, I just had to keep my guard up, I didn’t know what Lucas was up to, so I had to be cautious.

“Whatever you say pretty boy” I grinned grabbing my flip flops and putting them on while he opened the front door and we made our way to the beach.

Lucas’s POV

I was eating breakfast when Avery walked into the dining room. I basically almost choked on my food, I looked like a total mess this morning, but her on the other hand, she looked beautiful. I hadn’t slept worth crap last night; my “sleep” consisted of tossing and turning arguing with myself about Avery. Be nice? Be mean? I have no idea what I had concluded on, point was I didn’t even know how to talk to her without sounding like an ass, all I wanted to do was impress her, but something told me impressing a girl like Avery was going to be a lot harder then impressing a girl back home. For once in my life being starred at by a girl, I felt uncomfortable.

I wasn’t even paying attention to what was going on until I heard something about the beach and Avery and me. It was then that I glanced up and finally saw everyone at the table. When I looked up Avery seemed nervous as she starred at me and widened her eyes as if asking me to side with her, but how could I, the beach with her? This was the perfect time to show off, make her want me instead of me just wanting her.

So I took out my cocky attitude and instead said that the beach would be good. It’d very good actually, far better then she ever thought it’d be. Then after we settled on the beach my dad said something about eating out tonight. And when I looked up Avery was smiling at him, I wanted to beat the crap out of my dad. What the hell, she was probably thinking about what an ass I am, and how nice my dad is. So I glared at him and continued on with my breakfast wanting to get out of the house and as far away from my dad as possible, and be alone with Avery. Finally Avery finished eating and we made our way up the stairs. I was actually nervous being with her alone in the hall, I didn’t even get what the hell was going on with me; I never got this way around girls. When we split up and I went into my room I quickly got dressed and waited outside in the hall for Avery who was taking forever. When she walked out she accidentally bumped into me and I felt like the happiest guy alive holding her in my arms.
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