Status: Active

Something Unexpected

Sometimes Doing The Right Thing Hurts

Avery’s POV

It was like a stone had been thrown and hit me upside my head. I was caught completely off guard when those words came out and I found myself standing in front of my ex friend Lauren and my ex boyfriend David.

“Oh my god! Avery!?” My eyes widened to the size of golf balls while Lucas gave my hand an encouraging squeeze.

“Lauren?” She threw her arms around my body and I glanced behind her to see David just starring at us.

“You’re so much older!” Lauren laughed nervously nudging my shoulder before she caught sight of Lucas, and just like her skanky self she smirked and made her way to Lucas.

“Well! Lucas Kane! In the flesh!” She touched his arm purposely and ran her disgusting fingers along his skin feeling up every area possible of his muscles. I became extremely defensive grabbing Lucas’s arm and hugging it close to my wait, Lucas leaned in and grabbed me tightly pulling me closely to his chest.

“I know! And he happens to be my wonderful boyfriend!” I grinned foolishly as Lucas nodded.

“I couldn’t even deny it, Avery is one gorgeous girl, any guy would be lucky to have her” Lucas glanced at David who was glaring daggers at him. Lauren looked taken back when she found out we were “dating”

“You two? Dating?” Her voice was strained and her eyes hardened as she tried to hide the glare I saw.

“Oh and I see you and David got together” I glanced at David who was now glaring at me.

“And what is it to you?” David became defensive stepping next to Lauren and throwing his slimy arm over her slimy shoulders. Lauren looked at me bitterly as if I had actually called her a whore.

“I mean it was only obvious, you two were pretty into each other last time I saw both of you” I felt Lucas hold back a laugh from beside me which made David turn a bright red and Lauren look like she was going to attempt to pull my hair out.

“Avery babe, I think we should probably get going, we have that reservation tonight” Lucas grinned and glanced at an angry David and Lauren.

“Nice meeting you guys” He then grinned and wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked away laughing and smiling at each other, then once we were far away we plopped down in the sand watching David and Lauren argue and walk back to their car. I laughed and laughed until the most unexpected thing happened Lucas looked at me and took my face in his hand glancing at me starring into my eyes.

“Avery I- I think” I nodded starring at him, my heart was beating out of my chest, his touch drove me crazy.

“I think we should get going” He sighed dropping his hand and glancing at the sand bitterly.

I was completely taken back, I had been expecting that to go differently, actually I had been hoping it would. But without a second thought I stood up awkwardly from the sand brushing it off of my legs and arms.

“Yea your right we should”

The walk back was painfully silent and consisted of Lucas and me taking short glances at each other as we walked back to my house. As soon as we stepped through the doorway we were greeted by a shocked Adrian.

“You two are back early, did something happen?” I looked up at Lucas who lifted his eyebrows shaking his head no.

“No, we were just both tired, and we wanted to relax before we go out to eat” Lucas forced a smile then brushed past his dad not saying another word before he climbed the stairs and I heard a door close. Adrian looked up at me questionably and I just glanced at him pretending like I hadn’t seen Adrian want a answer of what happened, and then I too walked by him and walked to the comfort of my room closing the door behind me and sighing. I then plopped down on my bed and sighed out before I started my thinking.

Lucas Kane possibly liked me. I think he does, because he admitted it on the beach, kind of. He was nice, charming, good looking, but I couldn’t be selfish and jeopardize my aunt’s marriage. What happened if me and Lucas dated and we end up having a horrible break up and never want to see each other again, that’d make things extremely awkward between Diana and Adrian, maybe even cause the end of their marriage. I swallowed hard and felt my body turn stiff. But Lucas, I wanted him, I wanted him more then anything in the world, but...I just...I won’t let it happen. I’ll turn myself off, become cold, make him hate me and save us both the troubles this relationship would cause. It was always meant to be like that. Adrian and Diana married happily ever after, Lucas becoming an even bigger actor with a gorgeous actress on his arm as his girlfriend, and I guess I was meant to be left alone. Tonight, I’d fix things, I would make sure Lucas got the hint I didn’t want anything to do with him, but the question that kept running through my head was. Who was it going to hurt more, him...or me?
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Hey guys new chapter!!! I hope you guys are enjoying this chapter!! PLEASE COMMENT OR SUBSCRIBE IF YOU LIKE IT ENOUGH!!! :) Sorry it was short, but it was definitely a important chapter :)