Status: Active

Something Unexpected

Now That Was Unexpected

Lucas’s POV

I woke up the next morning feeling like utter shit. I have never met a girl that could drive me this freaking crazy! One second she was acting like she actually liked me, the next making out with me in a car, then in a god damn split second saying it was all a act...what! A!...I paused and brought my hands to my face and just shook it off. I was pissed, very pissed, but, I can’t blame it all on her, it was partially my fault for being oblivious to everything. Stupid Lucas. Who knew a girl making out with you meant she was using you nowadays. I slammed my fist into the wall and watched some of the paint chip.

“Shit” I muttered bitterly glancing at the crack more worried about what Avery would think then my now aching probably swollen hand. The California sun was for once in my lifetime hidden behind dark clouds, and it only took a few seconds for the rain, lightening, and thunder to come roaring out of them. I scoffed rolling my eyes and walking out the door to see Avery’s door closed, good... Walking down the stairs I saw a note on the kitchen table in handwriting I didn’t recognize.

Hey kids! Adrian and I went out for breakfast, please don’t be mad! You two were still sleeping and we didn’t want to cut into your sleep. :) We’ll be back tonight and if you need anything give us a call!!!

I smiled timidly folding up the note and placing it back on the table, I had judged Diana too soon, she was actually a really nice person, and even though she couldn’t replace my mom, she was definitely the right girl for my dad. There were a few footsteps behind me and then they stopped and slowly went back to where they came from.

“There no use avoiding each other” I spoke without turning around. The footsteps stopped and when I turned around Avery was starring at me with a face I didn’t understand.

“I wasn’t trying to avoid you Lucas, it’s just I figured it would help...” She paused when I let out a scoff rolling my eyes.

“You figure a lot of things don’t you” The hurt expression that came across her face even shocked me.

“Lucas I didn’t mean to hurt you, it’s just-“

“Avery, don’t avoid me it’ll just annoy me, how about you don’t talk to me instead” My muscles tightened, if she isn’t even going to talk to me when were in the same room why am I even here?

“Oh, well if that’s what you want” She spoke softly walking down the steps quietly walking into the kitchen. I watched her from the corner of my eye walk around the kitchen silently as if it were late at night and everyone was asleep, something seemed off with her. This is what she wanted, right? Then before she even grabbed anything to eat she was already on her way upstairs.

“Really? Are you going to act like a baby about this?” She stopped and glanced over her shoulder confusedly.

“What in the hell are you talking about Lucas, your the one that’s butt hurt, what’s your problem anyways” If I ever were to get shot, that pain wouldn’t have been as painful as that comment. But being raised in one of the worst cities for these types of things, I knew how to hide my emotions, and how to continue on with life.

“Butt hurt? Wouldn’t you be pissed if someone used you?” Her expression angered and she hesitantly opened her mouth, but then quickly closed it turning around swiftly and walking up the rest of the stairs walking quickly to her room and slamming the door. Anger! Sadness! Confusion! Disappointment! Holy crap I felt like I was a PMSing chick! I let out a frustrated growl walking to the fridge and grabbing a cup of orange juice and then I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. She can stay up there all she wants, I’ll keep the house to myself.

When I flipped on the TV E! News came up and I watched the host grin before she announced the next headline.

“To all you Lucas Kane fans! Wondering where he’s been? Well we got the news right here!” My heart stopped as I watched the bimbo smile widely at the camera, if I thought I was paralyzed then, the next thing that was said I almost killed over.

“We have some pictures and a story of what has been going on in his life”

Pictures flashed across the screen, one of me and my dad leaving our house, arriving here, the walk on the beach holding hands with Avery when we put on that act for Lauren and David, then a picture of us making out in the car, then lastly a picture of us at the restaurant. Oh my god...I took a sip of my orange juice trying to relax and calm down all the thoughts running through my head. Then the last thing that she said...

“We all knew he was a player, but sleeping with his step sister? What a disappointment girls” Orange juice went everywhere! I spit it out shocked at what she had said. Sleeping!? Sleeping with Avery!? Someone was going to die a painful death...someone WAS going to pay for this! I turned off the TV and just sat on the couch not moving a muscle. The paparazzi had followed me here; they knew I was here, oh Jesus... I looked around for a phone or something, I needed to talk to my friend, I needed to talk to Roger, he was older then me by two years but he was the closest thing I had to a best friend, and in a situation like this where payback was needed, Roger was definitely the person to call. I basically stumbled to the phone picking it up and dialing his number. A groggy Roger answered the phone and even though he sounded mad, I was glad to hear him.

“Roger!” I yelled happily pacing around the room.

“Lucas...are you kidding me? I was sleeping man! I had a long night” There was a pause and even though nothing was said I got the hint of what that meant.

“Look I don’t need to know about your sex life I need to talk to you about what I just watched about me on TV!”

“Dude, if you think that’s bad you have to hear what their saying here! Banging your step sister Lucas? That’s even a new low for you...” Roger managed to grumble.

“I’m not banging her! And technically she isn’t my step sister you flaming bag of douche!” I yelled completely frustrated.

“She is my soon to be step mom’s niece! SO technically it’s not as bad as it seems, though the press has already made the assumption that I’m screwing her...which I’m not!” I yelled out feeling a sudden relief come onto my chest.

“That sucks, cause that is one hot girl, do you like her?” I paused my pacing and just starred out the slide door unsure of what to say.

“Today is NOT the day to start with your bull shit Roger!” I growled angrily.

“You didn’t answer my question Lucas”

“Yes I like her, and I like her more then to just use her for stupid things. I’m going to need your help with the press, I need to get them off my ass, this is the only vacation I’ve had in two fricken years, and their ruining it” Roger sighed on the line and I heard rustling and his voice became louder and more aware.

“Tell me what you want, and I’ll get it done within the next two days” I smiled and closed my eyes dropping my head.

“Thanks Roger”

“Yea yea, don’t mention, now what is it Lucas?” I thought for a little bit of ways to fix things. First thing is, I needed to get the person taking the pictures as far away as possible, second I needed to get this retarded thought that I was sleeping with Avery out of everyone’s head, and third I needed to make sure that the press didn’t bug me for the next three months.

“I’m going to find out who is taking the pictures, and I need you to first tell the media that was NOT me and that I’m in some foreign country filming a movie, and then I’ll handle the person taking the pictures myself”

“You do know assault is illegal” Roger warned making a stiff smile come onto my face.

“No really? I never knew. And Roger, it’s only illegal if people find out” I spoke sarcastically then knowingly. A laugh echoed on the line followed by a sigh.

“Alright Lucas, take care of yourself bro, and about that girl, go for it!” Then there was a click and I knew Roger had hung up the phone. Go for it...that was the thing we always said to each other when we met a girl and the other one approved. But only this time, I couldn’t just GO FOR IT...things were much more complicated.
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New chapter!! :) 14 subscribers!!! That totally excited me! hahaha if you like this please comment it's nice to know your guys thoughts and opinions about this story, even ideas!!! :) And if you like this story enough SUBSCRIBE! :) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this update.