Maybe I'm a Lion


The bullet went right through her arm, and just barely scraped the creature trapping her. Sarabi's blood splattered from the self inflicted wound, right in the creature's face. It's response was immediate. The creature reared back in agony and covered its face with it's slender hands. It emitted horrible screeches as it fell back on it's haunches before throwing itself on it's back in unbearable pain.

The second creature diverted it's attention away from Cornelia to it's screaming ally. Cornelia caught a glimpse of the creature's face and gagged; most of it had melted away to the bone. Subconsciously her hand began to ache. She knew first hand of Sarabi's burning blood. Cornelia gripped onto the axe tighter to ease the pain. A few moments later, the creature stopped moving; dead.

"Impossible! You're all supposed to be dead! No matter. Your race ends tonight!" Thomas once again declared as Sarabi stood up clutching her arm in obvious pain and irritation. She took aim at Thomas. Seeing this, Thomas' imp began to reveal itself.

"Like hell." Sarabi uttered before shooting. Precise in her aim, Sarabi shoot the creature directly in the head as it emerged from Thomas' body in it's bloody display. In an instant, it was dead.

There was no time for celebration. The second creature - having lost interest with Cornelia and fueled by rage - angrily rushed at Sarabi from behind. "Watch out!" Cornelia warned to no avail. The creature crashed against Sarabi, but it didn't stop there. It slammed itself against the wall, completely breaking through it and they disappeared form Cornelia's sight. "Sarabi!" a worried Cornelia shouted. Her only response was a series of gunshots from outside followed by silence.

"Sarabi?. . . . " Cornelia called again to the rising horizon but received the same answer. Silence. She took a step towards the gaping hole in the historic hall only to be stopped by a cracking sound to her left. She sharply turning towards the source of the sound.