Maybe I'm a Lion


A small, and ugly room, Cornelia thought to herself as she was brought back to the interrogation room. She was sat in the same chair as before with Riley sitting across from her. Cornelia found enjoyment in pulling the strings of her bandage that was still tightly wrapped around her hand. Riley, having not slept the previous night, sat irritated across from her waiting impatiently for Cornelia to start.

"Tell us what really happened," Riley ordered when Cornelia made no motion to start her story. Cornelia looked at him then at the other interrogator before returning to her bandage.

"They died." she said dismissively. Then added, "I killed them all."

Patience gone, Riley stood up enraged. "If you want to die, then by all means do so! I don't care anymore!" He shouted before storming out of the room. Though he had tried desperately to save her, he could do nothing if she didn't want to save herself. A disappointed Riley had no choice but to give up and let Cornelia stand trial.

The second interrogator hadn't given up. In fact, he didn't even need to begin. All he had waited for was an opportune moment for him to speak to Cornelia alone. An opportunity achieved through Riley's furious temper. "Hello. I'm a psychologist, and I just have a single question for you Cornelia Chambers. What was the girl's name?"

Without thinking, Cornelia answered, "Sarabi." With a nod, the second interrogator left the room and Cornelia alone. He shut the door behind him and approached his colleague watching from the two way mirror.

"Will she stand trial?" his colleague asked with a false indifferent voice. The interrogator knew, however, that his colleague secretly cared. There was no one who could resist Cornelia's charm.

"Yeah, but she'll be fine. The judge is one of ours." The interrogator explained to ease his colleague's hidden fears. "You grew close."

"I did not!" his colleague denied the claim but added. "I suppose I won't be allowed to see her anymore." The interrogator shook his head in response. "She was a stupid girl anyway." his colleague nonchalantly said but her disappointment was written clearly in her face.

"Cheer up Sarabi, there are millions of teenagers who you can make friends with. She killed all the infants for us. Nothing you couldn't have easily done." the interrogator attempted to cheer the centuries old, but mentally young, girl. "Come on, lets go get you some steaks. Rare right?"

She replied by at her handler with a wicked smile and wondering just how good he might taste.