Maybe I'm a Lion


She was new. It was because of this, that it was left to Cornelia to introduce her to the rest of the school to make her feel welcome. The first time she saw her, Cornelia knew she was different. Not in the way the kids at Ascalon were, more like a goat trying to blend in a cage of tigers. She had unusually tan skin - not something someone saw in Pulse nowadays - and eyes the color of red mahogany.

Small and frail, Cornelia immediately knew her exotic appearance would make her very popular quite rapidly. "Hi, I'm Cornelia! I'll be showing you around," she presented herself before the strange girl with an outstretched hand. She realized she was a good half a foot taller than this girl. The girl only responded with a long stare at her hand before finally taking it in an awkward shake.

"Sarabi," she introduced herself. Even her voice was strange, Cornelia noted. It was a deep and trumpeting voice yet somehow feminine. Cornelia smiled regardless and began her tour of the prestigious Ascalon.

Cornelia showed her the cafeteria, and invited her to sit with her during lunch. She showed her the library and how to use the computers there. She even showed her where each of her classes were. All the while, Sarabi took it in silent thought. "So, Sarabi? It's a very strange name, what does that originate form?" Cornelia asked mid tour to get start a conversation with silent girl.

"My mother named me. It's Swahili." Sarabi explained with a short answer. Cornelia responded with a 'oh' before returning to that previous silence. Just as they passed they the science classes Sarabi stopped and stared through the glass walls of one of the classrooms. The students inside were currently doing experiments involving dry ice and other chemicals.

Cornelia noticed there was someone in particular that Sarabi was looking at. That was Steven Greene; a very popular junior. He poured a chemical into his dry ice container and the white puff of smoke which surged from the cup turned a lime green. "He's cute ya? " Cornelia nudged at Sarabi who said nothing in response. "He's in the wrestling team, so are all his friends." Cornelia continued at Sarabi's silence. Without a word, Sarabi suddenly turned and walked away.

"Uh?" Cornelia was at a loss. She didn't know how to react to Sarabi's sudden departure. Before Cornelia could catch up to her and ask what had happened, the bell rang signifying the end of the tour. The classes were let out for the day.

Cornelia found Sarabi again during lunch. The students stared curiously at the new Sarabi who was standing next to Cornelia but didn't question it. A few even introduced themselves to her to which Sarabi responded with short and stubble answers.

Then a brilliant idea came to mind. Cornelia decided of the perfect way to introduce Sarabi to the rest of the school. "Hey! You should come to our prom. As my guest."
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no feedback at all? aw. . . . :(