Maybe I'm a Lion


"So you'll talk then?" Riley asked. Cornelia nodded down once before coming back to it's original position. The death threat had taken it's toll on Cornelia. "Tell us then. What happened that night?" Riley leaned forward in his chair to better listen to Cornelia's alibi.

"I don't remember much. Just the cops coming in." Cornelia lied once again with what she had during the beginning of the interrogation. A look of utter irritation flashed in Riley's face. A red faced Riley quickly stood up from his seat.

"That's bull and you know it!" he shouted directly in Cornelia's face. This only caused a shaken Cornelia to flinch at his sudden outburst. Once again she looked towards her injured hand as if seeking reassurance. The other interrogator simply smiled; things were going just as he though the would.