Maybe I'm a Lion


Prom night came and the Ascalon senior girls prepared by spending most of the day by going to salons, and beauty parlors. They lined their eyes and put on their heels for the elegance that was their prom night. Without a doubt, it was Cornelia who stood out the most amongst one-night glamorous in her blue satin gown. She had no date, she knew her night would already be busy enough; she didn't need someone to distract her while she was there. Yet she waited in anticipation for the girl she had hoped would show the most.

After the invitation, Sarabi made no indication whether she was going or not. Cornelia had hoped, however, that she would come so that she could have fun and meet new people in an unfamiliar school. Maybe she doesn't want the attention, Cornelia thought to herself when the last of the limos had pulled away. Just as she had turned towards the isolated hall, she heard light foot steps behind her.

"I didn't think you were going to come," Cornelia said excitedly as she saw Sarabi standing there. She ignored the fact that she had seemingly appeared out of nowhere, but instead focused on what she wore. Cornelia liked it; but knew she could never wear such a thing. It appeared to be a deep plum colored knee length dress, or at least it looked like one from the waist down. The top half looked more like a tight turtle neck top. Under this strange attire, she wore black leggings with high top shoes. A strange outfit for a prom.

Sarabi simply shrugged her shoulders and walked into the hall. Cornelia stayed outside for a few moments more. There was something about that night - the way the wind blew - that seemed odd, yet it couldn't be placed. Perhaps it's was the hall's isolation deep in a forest to keep neighbors from complaining about the noise. Or maybe it was that everything was going exactly according to plan. Cornelia didn't know. Pushing these thoughts away from her mind, she entered the hall ready for the coming night.

Cornelia hardly spent her time having any fun at all. She had to make sure the drunk students were found and kicked out. As were the students who were found having sex in the bathrooms stalls. Cornelia was in charge of the dance competitions, and also had to take plenty of pictures for the yearbook as the photographer had fallen ill. During her prom there was hardly a moment to spare; all this was Cornelia's responsibility as student council president. Though at times, when the music slowed, and the couples went of to dance together, she hoped she didn't have to do so much, but she knew, it had to fall on someone and she rather it be her than someone else.

Cornelia sat down for a moment in one of the empty chairs. Sarabi appeared to be having fun. She didn't dance, but she sat on one of the tables with a group of people, who were laughing and obviously enjoying their pleasant conversation. Cornelia smiled; she knew this prom would be a good way for Sarabi to find friends.

Although she was tired, Cornelia refrained herself from getting too comfortable; the band was to play soon, and she would have to announce them. Not much of the funding was spent on the entertainment. Much of it had gone instead on other matters such as the decorations and food. To make up for the lack of expense spared for the entertainment, Cornelia had a popular band comprised of the Ascalon students - very good friends of Steven - who agreed to do it for free.

"Can I talk to you in private?" Steven said over the music coming up to the weary Cornelia. Not wanting to disappoint him, Cornelia agree to it. As they left, Cornelia noticed Sarabi casting her a look. Cornelia didn't remember Sarabi's apparent crush on Steven. Together, they stepped outside the hall into the cool breeze of the spring night. For a moment, Cornelia could ignore the demands asked of her within the halls.

Steven lead her around the building, to steer clear of anyone who might exit the hall and interrupt their private conversation. Cornelia had long since removed her heels and the mud under her feet felt good between her toes. She had hardly noticed how bright the full moon looked. The lights from the city stole away some of the moon's brilliance, but not here. The closest house was a good two miles away, in between these two buildings was a dense forest. The only way to cross it was to take the single road that led to the hall.

"You know, you look real beautiful tonight." Steven said. For this compliment, Cornelia gratefully thanked him, but Cornelia had things to do. She didn't want to waste any time on unnecessary things, especially boys. She was about to excuse herself before Steven continued on with his rambles. "The moon, you know." Steven said looking up at the silver moon which hung gallantly over the hall and took Cornelia's hand. "They say it entices the creatures of the forest to come out and play."

Cornelia had never head of such a thing. Nor had she heard of any creatures which supposedly lurked in the darkest parts of the forest. Still, there was something in the way he said that last sentence; there was something foreboding about it. "They?" she asked, curiously caught up in the mystery of the moment. Steven saw this curiosity and a small grin appeared on his face which steadily grew.

Cornelia began to tug at her wrist to get away, but Steven wouldn't let go. A sudden panic began to nestle itself in her chest. She didn't want to be alone with him anymore, nor did she feel secure or even safe. "Let go!" she demanded with the same authority that commanded much respected from her peers. Even with this powerful order on Cornelia's part, Steven refused to let go.

Cornelia heard the sound of light footsteps coming up behind her. Turning, she saw a furious Sarabi storming in their direction with a hand behind her back. It was only here that Cornelia remembered her interest in Steven, and how it must have looked in her eyes to see her in a secluded place with him on prom night. Before Cornelia could explain to her what she was doing alone with him, Sarabi walked right up to her, stopped an arm's length away from Steven and from her back pulled out a gun, aimed at his head, and fired.

Steven fell back. Still holding on to Cornelia, he brought her down with him. She landed on top of his dead body, staring directly at his still open eyes, and the bullet hole in the dead center of his forehead. Upon the sight, Cornelia screamed in horror. The blasting music from inside the hall drowned her scream.