
Chapter One: Anita

The enemy is gaining on me, I thought as I ran through the dark woods as fast as I could. They can’t get me! They’ll never capture me again, I swore to myself. I had no weapon to fight with and there was no way that I could stop and win against those blood suckers. I would not stop after so many hours of running, of escaping. The tips of my fingers were bleeding where three of my fingernails used to be. It stung slightly but the pain was bearable, it was nothing like the pain I suffered in imprisonment.
The wet muddy ground made it hard to run fast and with so many trees around the imprisonment it was hard not to hit one. The gate was somewhere beyond all the tall dark thin and thick trees. The night made everything so hard to see. I had no way of knowing if whether or not I was going the right way but I would keep running. Oh please let someone have mercy on me, I thought once more, the enemy is right behind me.
Foul smelling wet mud met my face as I fell. They had me once more.

Two muscular male nurses pulled her through the double doors of the Asylum. She screamed and screamed at the top of her lungs for them to let her go. Spitting at them did no good. She couldn’t bite them, they kept her at a safe distance while pulling her through the white halls. She couldn’t claw them for the majority of her nails were short and three had snapped off during her escape.
“I’m not crazy! I’m not crazy! MOM! DAD! I’M NOT CRAZY!”, she kept on and on.
The female nurse that took care of her was already standing at girl’s bedroom door and opened it as the male nurses put the girl on her bed to strap her down.
“I’m not crazy! I’m not crazy! MOM! DAD! Why?! Why?! WHY?!”, she was no longer screaming, she couldn’t, her voice rasped every word out.
Her eyes showed fear and her heart pounded hard and felt as though it would come out of her chest. The straps hurt her wrists and ankles. The male nurses stood there after they were done strapping the girl down. They said nothing as the female nurse poked a needle into the girls arm to quiet her down.
The door shut and moments passed in silence. No one listened anymore. Ignored and alone she began to cry and the surroundings of her room began to fade away.

“How badly is she hurt this time?”, Mr. Slyer asked with no concern for his daughter.
“How did she get out? You people are supposed to be keeping an eye on her!”, snapped Mrs. Slyer in a harsh tone before Dr. Harkens could answer Mr. Slyer’s question.
Dr. Harkens looked at Mr. and Mrs. Slyer for a few seconds thinking of what to say to the parents before him.
“To answer your question Mr. Slyer, Anita isn’t all that hurt. Your daughter only has a few scrapes on her arms and on one side of her face from when she fell. Three of her fingers were bleeding but that was from the fingernails ripping off. As for how she got out it look like she went through the ventilators inside the walls of my asylum. Its not really anything to fret about...”, said Dr. Harkens before he was cut off.
“Don’t you dare tell me not to fret about my seventeen year old daughter!”, Mrs. Slyer snapped at the doctor.
“Now there is no need to be rude dear.”, Mr. Slyer tolled his wife sternly, “Dr. Harkens is doing all he can for Anita. You know what a handful she was as a child. Anita isn’t right in her mind you know that.”
Mrs. Slyer gave a deep sigh and said tired, “Lets go then.”
Mrs. Slyer got up patting down her dark brown dress and started to walk out Dr. Harkens's office when she noticed that her husband wasn’t following her.
“Wait outside for minute dear”, said Mr. Slyer and Mrs. Slyer went out the door to wait.
“Excuse my wife she still hasn’t yet grasped Anita’s condition, though its been several years since we brought her here for treatment.”, said Mr. Slyer with an flat tone.
“It is alright. No need to apologize. There is nothing to do for Anita if she doesn’t take her medication. And with her being not right in her mind like you said you can’t force her yourself to take her medication. After all the only medication that slightly works is in pill form an we never seem to be able to give it to her without someone getting harmed......I must speak to you a moment longer about Anita if you please.”
“I wasn’t apologizing,” barked Mr. Slyer. Exhausted from a hard days work at his factory, Mr. Slyer didn’t want to talk about his psychotic daughter that needed to put into a padded cell and be forgotten about. He gave the doctor a hard look but stayed in place in an uncomfortable arm chair to listen.
Dr. Harkens ignored Mr. Slyer’s comment and took in a breath and let it out.
“Now I know your wife would like it if someday Anita could come home correct? Unfortunately that might not ever be a reality. Not only has Anita become incapable to decipher fiction from reality without her meds, she has become very dangerous to herself and to others. We have had several incidents were nurses were bit, clawed at, and have had things thrown at them. Now we usually just..”
“Get to the point damn it! My patients are done with, my daughter is hopeless. If you want to lock her up somewhere, fine do it.”, as Mr. Slyer said this he got up and left.

Mrs. Slyer was sitting on a chair outside Dr. Harkens’s office door. Holding back tears as to not embarrass herself more, tightly she clutched her small purse. Sense Anita had turned five her right mind had gone to another place where she thought and talked psychotically and did the most atrocious things. Such a pretty girl she had been to, a skinny little thing she had been when she was born, but she had a head full of black hair with a pair of light gray eyes. Anita had walked and talked earlier than most babes do, she had always been curious and wanted nothing more than to learn something knew. Mrs. Slyer couldn’t have thought her only precious intelligent little girl would go mad.
Mr. Slyer walked out with the same stern look on his face but with eyes that were fixed straight ahead as always. This wasn’t good. Nothing was good. Nothing had been good sense the day Anita had gone mad. Mrs. Slyer got up and walked by her husband through the Asylum doors, into the car, and drove home in silence sense there was nothing to be said that would make Mr. Slyer happy. She knew she had embarrassed him in the office by breaking down. Mr. Slyer’s family was highly classed and a wealthy business owner. There was no room for more rumors about how unstable and how crazy his family was. His own mother and grandmother had gone crazy and so the rumors had only gotten worse as word of Anita going mad went about. When people asked if it was true that his daughter had gone mad out of her mind Mr. Slyer would always replay with a “of coarse not, she has been sent away to a boarding school” and Mrs. Slyer would have no choice but to say the same.

It must have been hours later. Light was coming from the thin window on the top of the wall. The left side of my face hurt. Three of my fingers with missing fingernails hurt. Those monsters had tied me down. Thirsty, my throat was dry and in pain.
But the worst was that I had failed once more. I had failed once more. The tunnels in the walls had been a good idea. It had been easy to get inside. The hard part had been out of the tunnels.
I had noticed that when I sit quietly in my cell that the guards don’t hurt me, they leave me be. All those weeks for nothing. I’d been quiet, behaved and so they left me alone in my cell without someone watching my every step, possibly reading my every thought. Those blood suckers probably read my mind an that’s how they knew how I was escaping! I should of known. Why didn’t I think of that? How could I have been so stupid?
Just then I thought of Rafael. Had he escaped? I hadn’t seen him in the tunnels and had hoped that maybe he had taken the wrong tunnel but gotten out. We had made the plan together. I hadn’t noticed the tunnels in the walls until he had showed me one that was open behind his bed.
Click, click, click. The door of my cell opened and one of the female guards in white walked in with a tray of food and something for me to swallow. She wore a white gown that went below her knees with white leggings underneath and white shoes that clicked when she walked.
“Ms. Anita are you ready to eat and take your meds? Max, Bob, please put Ms. Anita in her feeding chair,” said the female guard.
The two morning guards, Max and Bob, walked in and tied something around my face so it covered my mouth as so then I couldn’t bite them and untied me swiftly and quickly grabbed my arms before I could hit them. Their grips were strong and they hurt. I was so tired. I tried to fight by kicking but once more it didn’t cause any harm to them. I was too weak.
As Max and Bob tied my ankles and wrist to the feeding chair in the corner of my cell I glared back at the female guard, knowing that at that moment she was reading my mind, possibly trying to control my thoughts.
“Ok now if you want to eat you cannot bite.” said the female guard as she sat down the tray on the small table by the feeding chair.
Max and Bob took off what they had tied around my face and quietly stood on each side of me.
I stared blankly at the female guard as she sat down in front of me and offered a biscuit for me to bite into. My mouth didn’t open. I didn’t want to open my mouth. They could have poisoned the food. They could have put in the food what they were always trying to make me swallow, a pill the size of my thump.
“Ms. Anita, my name is Ms. Garth. If you don’t eat I’ll get in trouble and if I get in trouble I will not be happy. I’ll leave you here in this feeding chair until dinner time which is at eight O’clock sharp. That is about, oh, say eleven hours from now. And guess what your dinner will be. It will be this food I’m supposed to feed you now,” snarled Ms. Garth. She gave me a glare with her big blue eyes and her face was smashed together with her tight short brown curls surrounding her face. She hid her fangs well behind that small thin lips of hers.
My cell was silent. There was no movement. Bob, Max, and Ms. Garth were like statues. No sign that anyone but me was alive.
I wasn’t afraid of her threat. In this imprisonment I had endured far worse than going hunger. The scars and burns on my arms were a reminder of what they had done.
Click, click, click. Outside my cell I could hear the other guards up and about going to torture and interrogate everyone that was kept prisoner here. A scream came down from three cells from mine. I knew who was screaming. With all my heart I hoped the guards didn’t hurt Bosh to bad this time. Kind fellow, short and stocky with one arm missing; a result from their torture. Bosh was older than me, he was older than a lot of the prisoners here as a lot of us died during the torture and interrogations.
“Eat!,” snapped Ms. Garth, “look I can’t afford for myself to get in more trouble. I’ll lose this job and my license as a nurse will be taken away.”
I didn’t understand what she was saying. Maybe she was getting frustrated by the way I wasn’t giving her any information with my mind cause I was keeping it blank. I didn’t want her to go after Rafael if he escaped.
Ms. Garth’s face transformed into a smile and I knew then that she knew what I was thinking. I was foolish. Should of kept my mind blank. Now, if he had escaped, they would go, find him, and torture him.
“If you eat I’ll make sure that if you behave, you can walk around your room an not be strapped down to your bed or to your feeding chair. How does that sound? And if you take your pills, I’ll let you watch TV in the TV lounge with all the other patients. And I bet your special friend will be there. I think he misses you,” Ms. Garth said with sarcasm.
Still I said nothing. Remain silent I would, I would say nothing.
Frustrated Ms. Garth tried to shove the dried biscuit in my mouth. I spit it out on her. It landed on her face and the glare she gave me was pure hate.
“I hope you know your friend jus might be in the morgue.” snarled Ms. Garth and suddenly I felt a hard slap across my face that stung. Before I could recover Max and Bob tied the same thing they tied around my face before and fallowed Ms. Garth out the door of my cell.
Lies! All she said was lies! It would explain why he never showed up at the intersection of the tunnels. Rafael was either caught or taken to be tortured for information about our escape. I told him not to think of it while these blood suckers were around. I told him. Tears started to well up and fall uncontrollably. Dead? Rafael? No, lies. Every word that was said was a lie from them. To mentally weaken me. That's it. It has to be, I thought. But the tears kept falling. My mind raced. I felt as though there was nothing else to live for. In this place of blood and gore; there was nothing but Rafael. From the first day that my parents put me here, Rafael had been the first to actually understand everything I said. He made sense. He saw the world as I did and could see these blood suckers for who they really are. Not only was Rafael my friend, he was family.