
Chapter two: Prisoner

Click, click, click. Those shoes drove me insane. The blood suckers just like to walk around with their thin, long and sharp weapons and poke us. With the poke we would either fall asleep or go screaming from the pain that comes seconds later or we would go all limp; leaving us helpless.
The white cells, the white halls, the blood suckers and the torture made this place a living hell. Why my family sent me here I don’t know. I rarely think of my parents and my family. I sometimes miss them but at the same time I hate them. If they were here, had to live the way I did, this place they would hate and want to escape as well.
I looked up as the locks to my door were being unlocked and the door began to open. The door stopped midway and I saw the white stockings, white shoes, and part of a white dress. She was saying something though I couldn’t hear all of it. I only heard “no” and “perhaps”. Most likely it was the former female guard, but they like to shape shift so often its so hard to tell who is who.
She came into view, tall middle age with a long gray braid over her shoulder. This one wore one of those white hats. The way they dressed, all white, I never understood. Perhaps they just liked to see the blood better on their clothes. Though it was only after torture that you saw blood on their white forms. There was a clip board in her hand and she stepped aside for the master to come in.
He was broad and wore a black suit with a red tie. His eyes were cold as they looked at me and this lips were firm and thin. For a couple moments he didn’t move then came over to me. With slender fingers he moved my head from side to side, then opened my eyes and shined light into them. The light came from a skinny metal tube.
This place made my mind spin with their weapons and tools.
“Good evening Ms. Anita. You seem alright after your little incident last night,” the master told me before he touched my hand with the three missing nails, “Oh my. This does not look very appealing to have to go through. Not just missing nails, but being strapped to the chair with a muzzle, strapped down to your bed, being hand fed by nurses when you are very much capable of feeding yourself.”
The female guard came over and started writing something down on the clip board. I stretched my neck but couldn’t see what is was that she was writing. I hated not knowing what was going on and what was going to happen.
The master walked away and looked at what was on the clip board then looked at me.
“Would you like to see what is being written? I bet you would also like to not be strapped down at all and be able to see your friend more often in the TV lounge. I even bet you would like to see your parents once and a while. I could make a call to them and ask them to come in to see you instead of me,” he said with a smile, “I want to help you Ms. Anita. I want to help you get healthy and get out of this dreadful place. After all if you got out and took your meds you could live a very happy life; get married and have children, be with your family and be part of their lives. You know you could always come back and see your friend, even persuade Rafael to take his own medicine. That way you two could live normal lives together.”
I didn’t understand what he was saying. What normal life could I live? I was thrown in this place and forgotten. My family never visited. There was no way that I would take what they were trying to shove down my throat. The pills made me have delusions and think that the world was completely different than what it was. It made me think that they were trying to help me, both my family and these blood suckers. Rafael and I understood that these monsters here were vampires, blood suckers. That's why they torture us, for our blood and for information on the outside world.
The female guard came over and showed me what was on the clip board.

The patient has three missing fingernails on her left hand. There is a black and bluish mark on the side of her right cheek. Most likely caused by her escape from the night before. Refusing to eat, strapped down to her feeding chair. Dr. Harkens speaking of meds but there seems to be no response from, Ms. Anita, the patient.

I looked and read but with little to no understanding. Yes I had escaped. Yes I had refused to eat and was strapped down, but why was she writing it all down? I didn’t know and I wish I could say I didn’t care but I did. I never understood anything in this place, so confused all the time.
“Do you understand what she wrote?,” asked the master.
I looked at him then looked down away from his eyes and face. I shook my head.
“That’s what I thought my dear. I am going to remove your muzzle for one of our sessions. I know we haven’t talked in a great long while but I’m hoping you will be more responsive than the last time. After all you hardly speak as it is, butt now is the time to talk to me and tell me what is on your mind. Even tell me what you want and I’ll see if I can give it to you for a trade. But we will talk of trade later.”
The thing that covered my mouth was taken off and I stretched out my jaw and mouth. My face and jaw were sore but once I had stretched it out I felt better.
The master sat on the foot of my bed and waited silently and very still. While the female guard stood and said nothing as well. I wondered if these blood suckers even breathed at all.
I said nothing at first. Then I thought of Rafael and wanted to know of his whereabouts and if he was alive.
“What has become of Rafael? Is he hurt?,” I rasped out, my voice not using to speaking.
The master didn’t hesitate, “Rafael is fine, alive and breathing. He is a patient and so it is against the law to talk about his mental and medical health, but however because you seem very concerned I will make an exception. And no he is not hurt, we found him trying to escape. It took four male nurses to get him strapped to his bed and all four were clawed, bitten and kicked at.”
“Where is he? Can I see him?,” I asked with my eyes watery.
“Mrs. Jearm please go get one of the wheel chairs,” told the master to the female guard then to me, “I can’t allow you to walk around, if you behave you won’t be strapped down. Mrs. Jearm will take you to Rafael but I must leave to see to other patients. Have a good day Ms. Anita Slyer. This session was much better than our last.”
The master walked away as the female guard came back in with a chair with wheels on them. She undid the straps and walked me to the chair with wheels. The chair wasn’t comfortable and I didn’t attack her. The master said I could see Rafael if I behaved and the master never broke his word.