


I landed on the building top, scanning the city before me.

She’s got to be around here somewhere.

I look over to my wolf spirit, who stood hip high, “Fallah, search.”

At my command the wolf took flight, her split body graceful in the air. Leaping after her I followed behind, allowing her to lead me to the one I seek.

The one called Sailor Moon.

Fallah darts into the front yard of an ordinary house, invisible to the human eye. I drop down next to her, remaining invisible as well.


The wolf looks at me, her blue and gold eyes focused on my pale gold, almost white, ones, “Are you sure she’s here?”

She gives a short nod and gores back to staring at the house.

Trusting in my spirit I wait.

And wait.

My frustration grows with every minute.

The world really doesn’t have time for this.

Finally the front door opens and a leggy blonde storms out. She trips down the drive way and stumbles on the sidewalk, all the while racing as if a demon was chasing her.

I narrow my eyes, allowing my mind to spread to encompass the entire block.

No, there was no demon in the area.

So what’s she in such a hurry for?

Again I watched as she tripped, this time dropping some papers.

I look up in the sky, Are you sure this is the one you want?

The feeling of a positive answer fills my mind.

Sighing I take to the air, becoming visible when I land right in front of the girl.

“Oh my God!” she cries, falling back in shock.

“No, I am just a warrior,” I replied as Fallah settles gracefully beside me, “Are you the one called Sailor Moon?”

She jumps to her feet, slapping a hand over my mouth, “Shhh! You can’t just go around blabbing that kind of stuff! Jeez, use my real name!”

I remove her hands from my mouth, “That is the only name that was given to me. Are you, or are you not, Sailor-”

Once again her hand covers my mouth, “Yes! Now stop using that name! Just call me Serena.”

I again extract her hand, “Good, come with me.”

Grabbing her hand before she could object I jump into the air, my wings carrying us through the sky.

“What are you doing?! Put me down now!” Serena shrieks.

“I’m sorry, but that’s not possible. God has sent me to find you.”

I turn to my wolf, “Fallah, seek out the demon.”

The spirit shoots past, taking the lead in our flight.

“What are you? What do you mean by God? And why are we searching for a demon?!” she cries, talking so fast I had a problem understanding.

“I am an angel-“

“You don’t have a halo and you’re wearing armor! For all I know you’re a shape-shifting demon-“

“If you would let me finish,” I interrupt, “I am an angel warrior. The angels you are thinking about live inside Heaven’s gates, forever in eternal peace. I am a warrior; I protect those gates, as well as Earth’s population.”

She remained silent for a few seconds, “Look,” I look down at her, our hands still clinched, “Just let me change into Sailor Moon, that way you don’t have to pull me by my hand.”

My Lord? I ask.

I receive a positive feeling.

Nodding I land us on another building top, letting her transform into Sailor Moon.

“Okay,” she said with enthusiasm, “We need to go back and get my friends,” I held her down when she tried to do just that.

“No, our Lord only asked for you. No one else.”

She frowned, “But why me?”

I shrugged, “All I know is that a very powerful demon is about to run loose on Earth. We need to stop him, and our Lord has specified that you must help me and Fallah send him back to Hell.”

She looked frightened, “But I don’t know how to defeat a demon! Just people from Negaverse of the Dark Moon!”

I sighed, “Look, we don’t have time for your insecurities. You will have God on your side, just follow your instincts.”

Without waiting for a reply I take flight, once again following Fallah. We traveled for a few more minutes, landing in a clearing in the middle of a forest.

Fallah stood on my left side as Sailor Moon landed to my right, “Where’s this demon?”

“He will be here soon, can’t you feel Mother Nature trembling?”

I stood completely still as Sailor Moon fidgeted.

We waited for a few more seconds before the ground began to roll.

Then, only a few feet away from us, the ground exploded and a large demon jumped out.

“That’s a demon?” Sailor Moon gaped

I nodded, understanding what she meant.

He wasn’t hideous or scaly. Instead demons tend to be the most beautiful people you’ve ever met.

That’s how they trap humans, using the mortal’s lustful thoughts.

Which is why lust is one of the seven deadly sins.

The demon stared at us, then smiled, “How nice, you brought me an appetizer.”

I glanced at Sailor Moon and, as I feared, his musically beautiful voice had her practically hypnotized.

A name flittered through my mind.


Sailor Moon shook her head and looked at me, “What?”

Without taking my eyes off the demon I repeated, “Darien. Who is he?”

She swallowed, “He’s my… it’s, uh… complicated.”

“Well, make sure to keep him in your mind.”

The demon looked pissed, “How dare you intervene?”

He roared, charging at me. Without a second thought I pulled out my sword and we clashed, his think skin protecting him from the weapon. We pushed against each other trying to gain the upper hand when he shoved me back, sending me into a tree. While I was getting up Fallah attacked, using her speed to keep him distracted as I lifted my sword so that it lay straight, pointing at him. Using the power that God gave me I sent a bolt of blue energy into the demons chest.

He stumbled back, momentarily wounded.

“Fallah, now!”

At my command Fallah opened the gates of Hell, making sure to hold them so that I could send the demon back.

Using my sword again I send a blast of yellow energy, keeping the power steady.

But instead of sending him flying back he was able hold his ground.

Use the girl.

“Sailor Moon!”

She looked at me.

“I need your help, we have to push him back into the gates!”

She nodded, and as I struggled to hold the demon off she screamed.

“Cosmic Moon Power!”

With both of us working together we were able to push the demon back to where he belongs. Once he was behind the gates Fallah closed them off, sending him back to Hell.

Once the demon was gone I set the tip of my sword to the ground, allowing the purple energy to heal the Earth. Mother Nature sighed in pleasure, the hole in the ground from where the demon emerged closing itself.

Once everything was restored I sheathed my sword, rubbing Fallah’s head for a job well done.

“Wow,” Sailor Moon gasped, “That was… awesome!”

I looked over to see her jumping in excitement before falling over her own feet.

“So what do we do now?” She asked as she got up.

“You go home.”


“Your services are no longer needed,” I say, “Go home, Serena.”

“But, I thought…” she pouted.

Walking to her I place a hand on her shoulder, “I, along with everyone in Heaven, thank you for your help, but you are needed to protect the world from the Negaverse of the Dark Moon. That is you job.”

Leaving the girl I leaped into the air, Fallah behind me. Traveling through the clouds I feel no emotion.

Such is the consequence of being an angel warrior.
♠ ♠ ♠
Don't hate me. I know nothing about Sailor Moon...

But at least I tried, right?