Please Just Leave Me Alone

Fancy meeting you here

As soon as I walk into Ninth, I am grabbed and harassed. Oh, don't worry, not sexual harassment or anything, just my term for being hauled over by the arm. I stare at Isis and shake my head. She obviously has been here a while, and though she had already had plenty of drinks, she had me as an excuse to get more.

"That bitch Veronica, is mouthing with my man, Addie." She grumbled to me, shaking her head as she sat me down at the bar, quickly ordering two of whatever she liked. "Oh, Addie!" She flung herself at me, and I winced, but wrapped my arms around her, letting her cry. "He.. I... I didn't want things to be this way!!" I knew she was talking about Elvis, but she knew I knew. We never saw need to mention the bastard's name, not when he was the enemy. "I want him right now!" I opened my eyes, and realized only then that they had impulsively closed.

I pushed her away, and grabbed the beer that had been set in front of me. Beer? Since when was beer in Isis's liking? Oh, hell. I took a quick drink. It tasted bitter, and I hated it. "God, Isis, I'm sorry, but I don't know what to tell ya. How about you go bitch slap Veronica and then steal him back? I mean, look at you, you're hot. He'll take you in a sec."

She stared at me as if I was a saint, and I rolled my eyes. "You are so right, Addie, I'm gonna go do that... right after I finish this." She grabbed hungrily at her drink, and took a swig, leaning against the bar counter animatedly.

I watched her, letting my eyes flicker down over her body, then away guiltily. I took another drink, and set it on the counter, swallowing sickeningly. "Isis, tell Hilary and Elvis that I'm here, I... I'm just going to go freshen up..." I really did feel sick, and I didn't even wait for her to nod before I took off through the crowd, pushing my way gratefully into the deserted resting area.

Everywhere you looked and you saw a sofa or a recliner, there were even two mattresses. I took my leave and made my way slowly through the empty entry room. I knew that the room would soon enough be filled up with busy lovers, getting in each other's pants, but I liked the way that it was then; quiet. I pushed away the curtain of beads that marked the entry way of the Women's Restroom, and quickly leaned over a sink.

I felt so sick of the life that I had lived. Everywhere that I turned, I only found something else new to blame myself for. I slowly raised my eyes to look at my reflection in the mirror. I had been blessed in the looks department with my mother's blonde hair, and somewhere along the way, I got green eyes. There is no other word for them. They are simply big, green eyes. Though I was fortunate in that section in my life, looks, I didn't ever feel beautiful, no matter how often I was told. I always was feeling dirty, as though my mother's filthy one night stands were my own.

I heard the clicking of heels announcing the arrival of somebody else in the bathroom area. I glanced towards the door, and quickly pushed away from the sink. "Oh, Addison... Fancy meeting you here..." The girl laughed softly.