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Taste the Fame

Johnny's Birthday Part 2!

"Do you think this was a bad idea?" I asked worriedly, looking over at Lacey. "Making Brian come?" He was sitting in the chairs across from us, with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Nah, they missed him." She shrugged, "The spoiled baby misses them as well. You've just gotten him used to his new pampered life style." I nodded and took a drink of my beer. Johnny sat down next to Brian and they began talking. "Oh quit worrying and come dance with me."

I nodded and laughed as she led us to the floor. ZZ Top's I Wanna Drive you Home played through the radio. We both took turns spinning each other in circles and dancing close; just having fun. Looking over at Brian, I noticed him watching. I mouthed the words as the radio sang them, "She's got her mind stuck up in second gear, where she goin ain't exactly clear. Baby please, I wanna drive you home."

He laughed. Johnny looked over at him annoyed when he noticed that Brian was not paying attention to his story. Johnny followed his gaze to mine and Lacey's dancing and rolled his eyes. "Hey ladies, why don't you join us?"

Lacey and I both looked at each other and smiled, "Nah!"

He offered a pout that even his mother could love, "Please?" We both sighed and sat by them.

"Sophie, that's a pretty dress." Val said to me.

"Thanks, yours is nice as well." And the conversation ended there.

"So Brian," Jimmy began, "Where are you living now?"

"Still in Huntington." He smiled. "You'd love the neighborhood man. We live next to a grumpy old dude. We taught Pinkly how to hide his morning paper..." They almost sounded like nothing ever happened between them. And Mr. Loyd deserves it. He's mean and creepy.

Jimmy and Brian started talking about the house and Zacky soon joined in on there conversation. They only one who looked like they weren't enjoying themselves was Matt. To tell the truth he almost looked...angry.


I stood up and looked over at everyone. "I'm going to get a beer, anybody else want one?'

Lots of sure erupted and Matt stood up. "I'll help you get them, man."

He followed me inside and as soon as the door shut he blurted, "Why did you run?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Why. Did. You. Run?" the ass explained like I was slow.

"Yeah I did hear you jack ass. And that doesn't concern you." I spat.

"Like hell it doesn't!" He yelled. "You should've stuck around and talked things out!"

"Why? So you could beat my face in some more over something I didn't even do?! You are still the same thick headed dickhead! I wouldn't ever left I my best fucking friend would've believed my word over that whores!" His fist came at me but I caught it in my hand, and twisted it behind his back. "Oh, did I offend the poor baby?" I bitterly laughed. I opened the back door and threw him out it on to his ass. Everyone was watching. "Hit me once, shame on me. Hit my twice, shame on you and I break your wrist." I motion to his now broken wrist.

"Look, I'm sorr-" He began still from the ground.

This time I really did laugh, cutting him of in the process. "Johnny it was great seeing you again. And I'm going to say I told you so, because I said this was a bad idea. See you later man." I turned and quickly left, not caring if Sophie called after me.
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Did the guys really think it would've been that easy? and Brian's not exactly who he used to be? Will he ever forgive them? Comment!

