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Taste the Fame

Disco Ball, Baby

The party was up in full swing. Holiday music had people dancing, the ever-so-delicious egg nogg had the waiters refilling the punch bowels constantly. Daddy's business partners were even getting along. Brian was even having a polite conversation with Daddy.

A girl couldn't be more proud.

"Johnny!" I called after seeing him. I reached him and kissed his cheek.

"Hey, doll." He smiled. "It looks nice this year."

"Thank you, thank you." I smiled. Ushering him and the others out of the front hall and into the living room.

"Quite a home you've got here." Jimmy said.

"We try." I said back. "Well make yourselves at home, have fun and mingle!" I slid away from them quickly, seeing that Mr. Hanason's wife just spilled a cocktail all over Mr. Hanason's girlfriend.

Brian's Point of View

I'd never really been into the whole party thing, but it's what Sophie likes. "So the packages arrived?" Tony said with a smile. To most it looked like a civil conversation, but we were talking business as always. Packages meant the new gun shipment from the Irish.

"Yes sir." I nodded. "Mario put them in basement." The basement wasn't really a basement. It was a warehouse just outside the city limits.

"Good." he nodded. "What's this about me hearing your old band is here?"

I sighed then nodded. "Soph's taken a liking to one of the wives. She offered her a job of taking pictures for the upcoming tour. She really wants to go."

"They still want you for the guitar?" I nodded again. "Good. Take the job. If Soph wants to go, you're going too."


I found everyone in the living room talking quietly with Sophie's brother and my business partner, Robbie. "Oh, hey Brian." He said noticing me. I nodded once then took my seat in my lazy-boy recliner. "We've just been talking about the shop. Nothing special."

"Nice home." Zacky said to me. "Definitely done well."

I nodded, hating how awkward things have become. "Told ya Zee." I smirked.

He laughed remembering what I was talking about. "You did say you'd own this house when we were kids, and here you are."

"Yeah..." Damn awkward situations.

"So were trying out knew guitarists after Christmas. It'd be cool if you'd play with us, and then we wouldn't need to find anyone." Zacky then said. Jimmy and Johnny smiled in agreement. Only Matt sat quiet.

I huffed crossing my arms. "I don't think so guys." Tony already decided I was to play with them, but I did this to not seem so wanting. They'd need to work for it.

"Come on man." Jimmy said. "Let past be past. We're not asking for you to trust us, just play for a little while and see how it goes. We'd love to have you back. You were our best friend."

I sat and thought for a moment. That didn't sound that bad. I stood up and began walking to the door, then turned back. "You want to play, don't you? I have a fully equipped studio upstairs."

Sophie's Point of View

By the time I came back the guys had wondered to upstairs. "Hey," I said sitting down beside Val. I had also brought my best friend, Aliyah, over as well. "Ladies, this is Aliyah and her son and my nephew, Joshua. Aliyah, you already know Lacey. This is Val, Leana, and Gena."

We began talking quietly when I saw someone else coming into the room. "Who's that?" Aliyah asked me.

"I...don't know." She looked a little like Val, slightly bigger and with darker hair. "How'd she get in?"

"I know her." Val said standing up. "That's Michelle."

Brian's Point of View

"Still got it." I said laughing. We just played through Bat Country with out any problems. Luckily, Sophie had the room sound proofed for my birthday last year.

"Yeah you do." Matt finally spoke directly to me. "Can I talk to you in the hall?"
I sighed but followed him none the less.

"You going to swing at me again?" I half-joked.

He shook his head and looked down. "Look, man, about before. I-I'm sorry." He said then looked up. "I was mad at myself, knowing it was my fault the band lost you in the first place. We also lost a best friend."

"It's ok." I said nodding. "To tell you the truth, I'd forgiven you all that day. Guess it's just hard to let shit go."

"Awwwee! Now hug!" Jimmy yelled from behind us, clapping his hands. He then added in a less sarcastic manner. "You done acting like giant chicks so we can play?"

Back to Sophie's Point of View

What in the flying monkey shit is she doing in my house? "What the hell?" Aliyah said voicing my thoughts out loud. "Joshua, why don't you go find Grampa?"

The five year old smiled and slid off her lap. "Ok mommy!"

Lacey stood up and walked over to me. "What you going to do?"

"We'll leave her be for now, I'll deal with later."


Ok, later was like five minutes later. I'd never seen a bigger whore in my life. She was all over Daddy's business partners, and that skanky dress covered shit. It looked like the girl was wearing just a shirt. "She looks like a giant disco ball." Lacey giggled.

"Yeah, round like one too." Aliyah snorted. I placed a hand over my mouth to contain my laughter. Leana giggled after she heard us.

"I am sooo sorry Sophie." Val said walking back over to us and sitting down. "I don't know what she's doing here, she's such a fucking embarrassment."

"I think it's entertaining." Gena said leaning back and taking a sip of of her drink.

"So Val, you know what happens when you look in those fun house mirrors that distort your body?" Val shook her head no. "You get Michelle."

Gena very unlady like spewed her drink from her mouth laughing, causing everyone else to laugh at Val's twin expense.

"Were so awful." Val giggled. "I hate to say it but she has it coming."

"Alright, I'll be back." I said standing and walking over to the girl. "Hi there. I'm Sophie, I'd like to welcome you to my home."

She smiled, a sick looking smile. "It's a pleasure. My names Michelle."

"Could I see you're invitation?" I asked, "I was wondering what company I used, silly me already forgot." That was a lie. I use the same place always, I just wanted to see how she got in.

"Oh, my date has it."

Date?! Somebody actually brought her here? "Oh really, who?"

"Oh, Tony Demarco."

"Well, excuse me then."

"Daddy." I said through gritted teeth and a smile, not caring that I was interrupting him.

"Yes baby girl?" He asked politely.

"May I see you in the kitchen?" I didn't wait for an answer, just let him follow me. We maneuvered around the chef and waiters to the back of the busy kitchen.

"You need something?" He asked leaning against the counter.

"Why the hell did you bring the whore into my house?" I demanded placing my hands on my hips.

"Michelle isn't a whore, just a woman who likes men. Frequently."

"That's the definition of a fucking WHORE!!" I yelled, turning away from him. "You know how much pain the bitch has caused Brian, and you bring her here and flaunt her in his face! How could you?"

He didn't answer, just smiled. "You want me to get rid of her?"

"Yes. Yes I do."

"Well I'll think on it. I'll put her on her best behavior for the remainder of the evening." He promised.

"One thing wrong, I'm throwing her out." I threatened, leaving the kitchen once more.


I returned to everyone once more and relayed everything. "She said her knew guy had money, but damn." Val said blown away. "This shit is just fucked up."

The guys came back in and Brian smiled at me. He looked his old self, relaxed and just easy-going happy. It took almost a year for me to get him back to that and the guys just five minutes. I knew he missed them, but now I know how much.

"We miss anything?" He asked. I went to tell him, but the clinging of a glass made me stop.

My father stood smiling and holding his glass in the air. "A toast. To our lovely host for putting on another spectacular party." The crowd clapped and I smiled. "One more thing before we all go," He turned to Michelle that was sitting next to him. "I know we haven't known each other long, but Michelle will you marry me?"

The champagne flute I was holding snapped in half.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, wasn't really expected was it? I didn't even expect it. I changed my original idea at last seccond. this is much better. It has a new title. I like it better. You see the bits of the mob coming through. I have a A7X co write idea if any one is intersted. I need a author to work with. Message me if you want to know the details.


