Baby, Please Come Home

they're singing deck the halls

I stared at the Pine tree in the corner with my arms crossed. The twinkling lights were pretty and the smell was nice. Christmas was a time for making memories but this year all I could do was think back. I thought back to the first Christmas I spent with him. We were still in the cutesy couple stage of our relationship.

“Katherine,” he sang my name as he came out of the kitchen with two flutes of champagne. His brown hair was short and his blue eyes were bright. I giggled.

“Duncan,” I mocked him and smiled as he rolled his eyes playfully. “Where did the champagne come from?” I asked as I took the glass he handed me.

“I picked it up on my way over. Thought maybe we could celebrate New Year’s a little early.” He chuckled as he sat beside me on the couch. He wrapped an arm around me and I settled my head on his shoulder as we admired my tiny tree.

“You are such a dork.” I smiled and snuggled into his side. “The tree looks fantastic though.”

“Because of my fantastic artistic eye,” Duncan boasted and I giggled again, poking his ribs. “With you by my side, darling, anything is possible.”

“Alright, Duncan, enough.” I told him sternly as I tilted my head back to look at him. I didn’t accept compliments so easily but my insides melted at the grin on his face.

“I love you, Kat.” And I never got sick of hearing those words in his velvety tone.

“I love you too, Duncan.” I slipped my hand to the back of his neck and pulled his lips down to mine.

He was charming back then. I sighed and shook my head, turning away from the tree. I quickly slipped on my shoes, grabbed my keys and coat before I left the small, empty apartment. It was snowing outside. Finally. I missed the cold, snow white flakes.

“Katherine Anne, where the fuck are you going?” Duncan yelled from behind me and my anger got the best of me.

“Do not use my middle name, you douche bag!” I screamed as I turned on my heel to face him. The snow crunched under my feet and Duncan froze in his spot.

“Where are you going?” He repeated softly. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to come closer to me, but I took a step back to make sure he didn’t.

“I’m going home, Duncan. Where I live, you know?” I spat at him sarcastically and gritted my teeth against a bunch of other words I wanted shout at his face.

“No, you’re not. You’re going to come back inside, and we’re going to talk about this all, calmly.”

“No, we are not because I am not calm!”

“Kat, come on. I made a small mistake. You make mistakes and I forgive you. What’s so hard about forgiving me?”

“You son of a bitch.” That was it. My eyes blazed as I bent over and picked up a clump of snow. “You, son of a bitch!” I shouted and threw the snow ball, hitting him directly in the face, before turning back around and continuing on down the sidewalk without any other interruptions.

There was just something in the air around Christmas time. It made me a little on the crazy side and he put up with that. He put up with everything about me, and he loved me for it all. I was so stubborn and hard headed. I couldn’t just let grudges go and forgive him.

I sniffled as I walked down the street. The wind hit my face and made my eyes water. As I got closer to the small towns square, I could hear the singing. Of course there were carolers by the fountain on Christmas Day. No lonely self pity party for me.

Cheery music and kids having snow ball fights. That’s exactly what I want to surround myself with. I made it to the fountain as my vision started to get blurry. The center piece of the town was drained. I should have known that. I inhale deeply as I sit down on the side of the fountain. My fingers numbly find a coin in my pocket.

I wasn’t the type to wish at fountains but today was different. Today I was lonely and heartbroken. Today I just wanted his warm arms around me tight and no worries. I closed my eyes firmly and rubbed the coin. I couldn’t even feel my fingertips anymore. He would have reminded me to put on my gloves before I left the apartment.

A sigh escaped my lips as I dropped the coin into the empty fountain. There was a light ping and it felt like it put another crack in my heart. “Baby, please come home.” A small sob fell out and I shook my head fiercely. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t be here. It was all a mistake.

I turned quickly and started back to my apartment at a run. My breathing was irregular. My body ached from the freezing air. I needed him. I needed to fix things. I needed to put my pride aside and tell him how much he meant to me. I was full on crying by the time I reached my street. Then everything froze. I blinked several times to make sure I wasn’t just imagining what I wanted to see.

A shaggy brown haired boy was sitting on my stoop, head down and fingers laced together. My panting caught his attention and his pretty blue eyes lifted to lock with mine. Everything slowed around us as he slowly stood up and walked down the steps.

My mouth didn’t work right. All of the words I’d been planning to say to him died on my tongue. Damn pride, I swallowed hard and tried again. He beat me to it. “Kat, I’m sorry.” He opened up his arms and his blue eyes turned sad. “I’m sorry for everything.”

“I’m sorry too.” I finally found my voice. It was weak and timid, but at least I found it. “I over reacted and I didn’t listen to you. I shut you out because I,” I hesitated as the pain went through me again. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Duncan took a step closer to me with his confused expression.

“I love you and that scares me. I don’t let people in so easily. I was waiting for you to mess up, no matter how small, so that I could just run but I can’t run.” I cursed mentally as a tear escaped my eye. “I love you Duncan and I can’t live without you.”

The space between us disappears as I blink. Once of his hands presses against my lower back as the other one cradles my head to his chest. “I think you should move in with me.” My head pops up and my eyes widen as I register what he says.

“What?” He’s smiling wide and his blue eyes shine. I love it when his eyes shine like that.

“You are going to move in with me.” He rephrased this time and smirked as he bent down to kiss my nose. “You won’t have to live without me anymore.”

I rolled my eyes and slapped his chest. “You know what I meant.”

“I did and I think this is perfect for you and me.” He leaned his forehead against mine and I barely felt his warm breath against my lips in the cold air. “Please?”

This was a big step, a serious step. I took a deep steadying breath of fresh air. “Alright.”

Duncan laughed. “Really?” I nodded and bit my bottom lip. “Oh my god, this is great.” I giggled a little at his high spirits as he pressed his lips against mine. “I love you so much.”

“Calm down, you spaz.” I grinned as he pulled away from me and grabbed my hand, dragging me toward my door.

“I’ll be calm once I’ve got you in my bed.” He chuckled and I shook my head, not able to think up another taunt for him. I took a glance down the street before slipping into the house.
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hopes you love, doll ; ) xooxEmber
word count = 1,422