
your darling

Dear Cecile,

----I know I haven't written in a fairly long time and I apologize. Work has been pretty rough these passed few weeks. I'm staring in a new movie, Ultimatum. It looks pretty decent so far. I've met the girl who is supposed to be my 'lover' so to speak. My charm knows no boundaries, you know.

Okay, ignore that last sentence. I didn't mean to get you upset, please don't get jealous. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and start humming that little tune you made up before we met. I miss your humming. I sometimes imagine you're laying next to me at night, stroking my hair with your fingers. I imagine your hum and it comforts me. I do get lonely without you, you know.

I'm afraid I strayed off topic there for a minute. Like I was saying, I'm staring in a movie. I only know the name, the cast, and the little details such as the plot, but nothing more. The director is pretty cool. He doesn't yell at us like the other ones. I have a feeling you're sighing while reading this, whether it's out of relief or boredom. Remember you told me my letters tend to get boring? Yeah, well, I'm keeping that in mind, but I do have a feeling that I'm not improving. Ah well.

I have an ache in my neck from falling out of bed this morning. I wish you were here to fix it, you're wonderful when it comes to messages. I guess I'll have to go to the local chiropractor to fix this thing. He doesn't do nearly a good job that you do, but I'll put up with it.

But, enough about my week, how is yours, darling? Any heart racing adventures? How's my cat, Bella? You better be brushing her twice a day, missy! Okay, calm down, I was joking. I know you hate it when I call you missy.

Ah, I have to go, my agent is calling. You know, he's been calling every few minutes? I've been ignoring it, or at least trying to. I guess I'd better answer it before he gets real mad. I love you!

------------------------------------------------------------------Your darling,
♠ ♠ ♠
Yup, just a little something that makes me go 'mush' when I think of it. :)
I didn't have someone beta this, so feel free to point out anything that's wrong.