Dreamer on the Run: Werewolves Bite

Finders Keepers

Willpower on the Run: Werewolves Bite

No matter how tough Dareem’s life had been, she knew it could easily get worse, and would be even harder to make better.

She had started her period three years ago right before her 13th birthday, after her period she would have to deal with the guys coming at her, because she was in ’heat’. Technically two years afterwards she was supposed join the mating party. Technically being the keyword. She wasn’t anything special in the pack sure her best friend was the son of the Alpha, and her mom was practically a sister with the Alpha’s wife, but Dareem wasn’t treated as anything special, she was okay with that however.

Dareem had 15 years under her belt, and was determined to stay in school, and do well in life, something a mate would destroy. Dareem took after her name in having many dreams, however unlike others she was determined to make some if not most come true.

Dareem would move from the pack and find a nice human man, or none at all, if she wanted kids she could adopt. However Dareem knew the next two and a half years would be possibly the most dangerous of her entire life.

Since she had been considered ’mateable’ she hadn’t had too much to worry about until one summer she grew a woman‘s body, and now she was having major problems. It had been hard enough, now it was nearly impossible to avoid the horn dogs surrounding her.

Her dad was angered by her choice, but she knew he was secretly happy to have the extra years with Dareem. Her mom had been supportive through it all, although her she had always wanted grandchildren.

Dareem had no belief in love, and she never wanted to, all she had ever known was lust, and it had been enough to turn her off men. Dareem had been 12 when she decided she didn’t want a mate, it was after her sister had been brutally raped and killed by a fellow wolf.

He was never tried simply banished from the tribe to the Rogues. Dareem believed that his life should have been taken, however who would listen to a twelve year old pup, a girl one nonetheless?

Dareem was walking home at the moment something she never wanted to do, but she couldn’t have avoided it both her parents were out at the Alpha’s meeting meaning so was his son, along with all mated werewolves basically almost everyone. They did it at this time because elementary and middle school hadn’t ended yet.

However Dareem’s car had broken down a week ago. So she could either walk home or wait at school for an hour or two, so Dareem deciding walking was best.

Her house was deep in the woods though, and after a few minutes every noise put her on edge. Had she not gone through the woods, her life would have been changed, as it was there was no turning back, for what would happen next.

She heard and smelled them before she saw them. All males and from a different pack, the pack she recognized as being in the city next to their own.

The pack was hunting in the woods for the big game they knew inhabited here, all were grown men without mates, and had accompanied their tribe to the pack meet. They also knew that this was the perfect time to find all the single young girls.

The pack were all recent turned adults, and as they were running they all smelled her. She was delicious and she was in heat, the pack could feel as they suddenly steered towards her not caring of the consequence all wanting her at the same time.

Dareem knew in her gut what was coming and without a thought dropped all of her things and turned into her inner beast. Now she could see them as well, only 500 feet behind all six running at top speed. She had forgotten she was in heat and would have banged her head if she had the time, as it was she barely had the time to escape, if there was indeed time to escape.

In two minutes she realized, no she in fact did not have time to save herself, and knew the chase would only make them want her more, so she turned and faced them. This surprised the wolves to have her attempt to fight them was almost comical but completely respectable.

However respect would get her no where with the lust in all the pack’s eyes, they all knew this.

Dareem felt her paws shake as all six wolves surrounded her, each were much bigger and seemed to be natural born fighters, they all got what they wanted, no one could stop that.

Especially not her. Dareem couldn’t think of how to change to human form now without showing her nudity and in the end enduring the pain. Dogs only had one thought in mind when they hit their adulthood, make some babies.

Dareem did not at all want babies, especially not with these strangers, most definitely not right now, and completely not with six. One she was told would hurt enough.

She barked out, warning them to stay back, but she could only communicate within her pack. Only the males were able to telepathically speak with those from other tribes.

The biggest growled, he was declining her plea, she whimpered, and he took a step forward.

Dareem had a tough decision to make, one she had thought over many times since she had made her decision to stay unmated, should she show her belly and hope for kindness or stand her ground? Though she had never calculated on there being six wolves.

Tears rolled down her big wolfy eyes, she was crying despite telling herself to keep calm. She rolled onto her back showing her submission. It didn’t work at all.

All the wolves except Dareem howled happily. Dareem realizing her mistake too late, that they thought she was allowing them to do their will.

She growled snapping her jaw rolling up and standing a defensive ground realizing they had closed in on her. Now all she had to think of was as a dog, or as a girl? Perhaps she could talk this out, she quickly devised a plan into her mind.

If she could steal the clothes that she noticed the smallest held, she could put them on, mask her smell, and talk to them. To execute this plan would be hard, and she would have no second chance, and no time for a mistake. She pushed aside her fear as she knew it would slow her, and not allow her to act on the correct instinct.

She jumped snapping at the smallest, surprised he dropped the clothes, with her mouth she grabbed a few things, and ran quickly behind a tree a hundred feet away. She changed knowing she only had seconds, and just as she pulled the giant shirt over herself, there was a wolf right in front of Dareem. He was the smallest, and she knew her guard while the others changed, however he snatched the other clothes that she hadn’t the time to put on away from her and threw them back where the other wolves or men stood.

Finally the wolf pushed her around the tree, and there stood five very large men, she was oh so aware that all she wore was a shirt, that one of them owned, barely covering her butt.

The men may have changed but the lust in there eyes had only grown.
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I hope you like
-Relle Aine