Dreamer on the Run: Werewolves Bite

No Right

(2)Willpower on the Run: Werewolves Bite

Dareem was still very scared, and had no idea how she would escape this unscathed without help. Perhaps Dareem could buy time, but for what she had no idea. With the circumstances she was lucky not to already be on her back.

“Leave me be,” She commanded, “You have no right to be here,”

The tallest and eldest chuckled he seemed to have control on his animal instincts, for now. “Don’t we, you’re an unmarked female, and I want you, sadly we all do. Now little one lay down before me and I may show you kindness.”

Even in human form she growled, “No! I will remain unmarked and unmated don’t come near me!”

The other four men surrounded Dareem slowly, the wolf still behind her. The leader stayed in front of her, looking Dareem over with a smile, “Your name girl? Your age?”

Was he seriously asking her? She could pretend that she hadn’t reached adulthood, she would have if her body hadn’t become the way it was. “I am Dareem, and I’m 15, and you need to leave.”

The leader was shocked at Dareem’s age and the fact that she was mateable, most wolves weren’t until 16 or 17 for girls, guys usually in their early twenties.

“Are you going to leave me now?” Dareem asked and attempted to walk past him hoping to catch him off guard, this did nothing but make matters worse.

He reached out and plucked Dareem over, pulling her to his chest. The shirt rode up a little bit so half her butt was bared pressed against him. “Never,” he said into Dareem’s ear.

He was too close, and it caused Dareem to shake in his arms. He was older and stronger than Dareem, and she was trapped against him in his arms. His arms were currently across my stomach, but that could change.

The other guys walked to them, and she knew there was nothing left to be done. She would in the end have the same fate as, her older sister, her heart.

Tears rolled down Dareem’s eyes as the men closed in, “Boys I’ll see if you can have her, but I may have to keep this feisty one,” The man holding Dareem stated, causing unpleasant shivers to go down her spine.

The men growled in a wolfy way but did not challenge his authority.

“Space,” he said at last, and the men walked off with the wolf, of course Dareem knew they would stay within hearing distance.

Now it was just her and this big man. “They’ll never have you,” he said.

Then something happened that Dareem had dreaded all her life. The man leaned down and bit her, not in a lusty way, but in a claiming way.

He was marking me, I attempted to squirm away and begin screeching loudly. “No don’t please don’t!” I begged him feeling as he continued making his mark.

He growled against my skin, and I could feel it heating. Soon I would be marked and he would take me.

Then I heard him, the familiar bark. It was him, Jeremy, the Alpha’s son, my best friend. But even as elated as I was to know he was here, Jeremy was too late I was a marked wolf now. Though I could be remarked only a rogue werewolf would dare do that.

Jeremy was in front of me now howling a saddening sound. He ran off and a few minutes later he walked back a man.

“Dareem!” He said running to Dareem, even though she was still in another man’s arms. The man held her tighter, “Let her go you mongrel now or I will kill you,” Jeremy growled now standing right in front of the both.

“Jeremy,” she sobbed.

“I am her mate now, so leave us be wolf,” The man stated.

“You have not sealed this yet,” meaning sex, “so let her go or I we will battle here and now. I will win.”

The man loosened his grip, “I am Brayden, and she is mine,”

Dareem took this time to once again try and catch him off guard it worked better this time. Probably to do with the fact Jeremy was right in front of her. Away from Brayden she jumped into Jeremy’s arms.

By this time the four men and wolf showed up.

“Give her back to me mutt!” Brayden thundered.

“No, I am the Alpha’s son, and this is my territory, leave now,”

Brayden was angry now, more so than he had ever been. He wanted Dareem here and now. He could see that this boy, wanted Dareem though. And he was the Alpha’s son. But no one would stop Brayden from having his Dareem.

Dareem was now sobbing into Jeremy and was so happy to have a piece of home, as her neck throbbed.

“Shh, it’s okay baby, dad will be here soon you’re safe now,” Jeremy said. But Jeremy was wanting Dareem badly right now, her being in heat not helping whatsoever.

The five men and wolf were now surrounding Jeremy and Dareem. “You will give her back before we all kill you,” Brayden threatened, making Dareem sob even louder.

“Leave him alone!” Dareem sobbed, not sure as what would happen next.

“It’s okay Dareem, dad will be here soon,” Jeremy said, then looked up to the men, “And if you’re here when he gets here, I will make sure you are all killed. I will say you attempted to kill me, and Dareem. You will face the consequences so leave, and never return. If I ever see you again I promise your death.”

Brayden clearly didn’t want to leave, but his pack needed him, “I will be pack,” he promised before running off with his pack. After a few minutes Dareem heard his feet turn to paws.

Jeremy pulled her back, “Are you okay baby?” Jeremy asked her holding her as if she was indeed a child.

“No,” Dareem sobbed, “I’m marked, I never wanted to be especially not by some crazed wolf man!”

“I know, I know,” Jeremy said trying to comfort his love. Because that’s what Dareem had always been, his love. He was full of dread at Brayden’s promise, knowing he would make true on his promise. “We’re going to have to move,” Jeremy said.

That perked Dareem’s ears, “What do you mean?”

“I mean that you are no longer safe here, therefore we should all leave.” Jeremy said.

“No!” Dareem screeched, “I always knew I would have to leave, I just never expected I’d be this young,” she sighed trying to find her next words, she decided to be blunt, “Jeremy I’m leaving alone.”