Status: Hiatus

The Life and Times of LizzyVengeance

Chapter 2

One of my earliest memories is also one of the funniest ones I have as well. It was May 3rd, 1997. I was six years old and just starting to understand how things really worked for adults. My best friend just so happened to be one of the many adults who taught me valuable life lessons. Her name was Allie, and she was my aunt. My memory revolves around one of the most important lessons I’ve ever been taught, that no matter how things seem to be, it’s not always as it appears.

My aunt met her husband at a K-Mart where he worked. His name is going to be Hitman, but obviously it's not, and it would have been an instant connection, except he was scared of her at first. When they met, he was walking in the door and she was walking out. Hitman ended up hitting Allie with the door, and knocking her to the ground. A little bit later, he finds a black rose from her.

My memory revolves around their wedding day. I was six years old, and the only thing I realized that was happening was a party where my aunt and future uncle was saying words to each other, and everyone had to stay quiet. I didn’t really know my role, but I played flower girl for the wedding. I loved my dress. It was white satin with a pink silk ribbon around the middle. The bow was wrapped in lace and the dress had little tied up bows at the bottom. My hair was up in combs with ribbons and flowers and I was missing a tooth.

I remember when the bridesmaids, who were wearing pink dresses the same color as my ribbon-bow, tried to help my aunt up the stairs in her dress. The train of the dress was long, and she was getting changed in the basement of the church we attended, the same church the ceremony took place at. They had a really hard time helping her up the stairs because she kept tripping over the dress, but it had been worth the hassle. I always thought she was so beautiful, but that day she somehow looked even more beautiful. Her blue eyes were sparkling from excitement and happiness. She had her hair up and her make up was done a lot more artistically than she normally had it. She had the biggest smile on her face the whole day.

When it was time for us to walk down the aisle, I think I was third in line. My future uncle was standing at the altar, waiting for his bride. His brother was standing behind him, followed by one of my three bothers. My brother Boo acted as the ring bearer for the day. The men watched as the bridal party walked. They were wearing black tuxedos with white shirts and ties and vests covered in Loony Toon Characters. Boo, thankfully, didn’t have the rings on his pillow because he kept flipping the pillow all over the place.

When it was time for Allie to walk to the altar, she was escorted by my father, who was her older brother. Her own father, my grandfather, didn’t even attend the wedding. So my father gave his baby sister away, and he looked thrilled

The ceremony wasn’t too long, but it was long enough for me to get restless. I listened as they both declared their love for each other, exchanging vows and promising to be there for each other, no matter what they go through. Somehow during that time, however, I began crying. I had somehow convinced myself that I would never see her again. I think it was because when everything started, everyone was talking about my father “giving her away,” and being as young as I was, I only understood giving something away as giving it to someone and never getting it back.

So, the ceremony ended, and we were walking back up the aisle. We gathered in a room to congratulate my aunt and new uncle, and I was still crying. The reception was in a huge room in the basement of the church, around the same area where we changed into our dresses. Before we headed down, however, I slipped outside and sat on the front steps, still crying. When I heard heels clicking behind me, I knew someone had come out to check on me, but what I didn’t except was to see it was Allie behind me, Hitman standing right beside her. Allie kneeled beside me, and asked me what was wrong. I told her the truth, that I felt like I was losing her forever, and I didn’t want it to happen. They both looked at each other and smiled. Hitman kneeled on my other side, and they both took my hand.

They both convinced me that I wasn’t losing her, that I was gaining Hitman officially into the family. Hitman had been around since before I was born, so he was more than just my aunt’s boyfriend at the time, he was a true uncle to me. They promised that I would see them practically everyday, and that I could never lose her. I smiled, somehow knowing they were right. We went back inside and to the reception. We ate, which included meatballs, macaroni and cheese, all the old party favorite foods. I ruined my dress while eating by dropping a meatball down my front, staining it.

After everyone ate, Allie and Hitman cut the cake and shared red wine. I can’t remember to much of the cake, but the biggest thing I remember is the topper. They didn’t have a traditional woman and man dressed as a bride and groom. They’re wedding was themed around the Loony Toons, so on top of the cake they had Pepe Lepu and Penelope dressed as a bride and groom. Pepe was trying to kiss Penelope and Penelope was trying to escape him. They fed each other the cake, but I don‘t remember to much happening with that part. When they drank the wine, Allie’s face told everyone exactly what she thought of the taste. She acted as though the wine was sour or something. She scrunched up her nose and her tongue stuck out of her mouth a little, her eyes squinted, and she didn’t drink anymore of it.

They moved onto the gifts, but I don’t really remember much of what they received. I know they got a memorial book, kitchen utensils, and other things a newly wed couple would most likely receive at their wedding. I watched, happy for the two of them since I got over my never seeing my aunt again phase. They were happy, so I was happy for them.

After the presents, it was time for the throwing of the bouquet. It was Allie’s bridesmaids and me in the crowd. One woman, who's name I can't remember right now, caught the flowers, and that upset my six-year-old self. I cried because I didn’t catch it, and all I really wanted it for was because it was flowers, and I was a huge girly girl back then, so I loved flowers. Well the bridesmaid who caught the bouquet ended up giving me a flower from the bouquet, and that cheered me up right away.

I don’t really remember Allie and Hitman dancing, I don’t think there was enough room for it. So the reception ended after that. They said their goodbyes to everyone, and drove away to leave for their honeymoon at Disney World. Everyone went home, and they returned a couple weeks later. Keeping true to her word, I continued to see my aunt nearly everyday, and every weekend we went over to their house. My memory is pretty vague on certain things, but that will be a day I will never forget.
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the memory is obviously of the day my aunt and uncle got married. The date should be familiar to one person who commented before, I used it for another story for the same reason, the day has sentimental value to me.
there will be another post when I get it finished