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Wait, What's Your Name Again?

Chapter 1

"Eli!!!" My mother called from downstairs. I stood up from my bed and turned off my stereo. Walking out of my room, I shouted,

"What?!" I tried not to sound annoyed. I probably failed.

"Are you eating dinner or not?!" I sighed, knowing she'd insult me or mentally abuse me if I sat down with her and my dad.

"No!!" I turned around and walked back into my room, shutting the door. I turned my music back on and pressed the volume till it was full blast. My dad sound-proofed my room. I could hear them, they couldn't hear me. Thank God. I was playing the Devil Wears Prada. I might be gay, but I will not listen to shit like NeverShoutNever. I mean, yeah, the guy himself is walking sex.

But, his music just screams 'flamer.' No offense to him. Or anyone who likes it.

"This, I beg of you," I sang along to This Song is Called. I can't do screamo, but I love to sing and play guitar. Shocking, huh? “Build me, brick upon brick.” I prefer electric over acoustic, but the acoustic guitar calms me down. Well, if I’m the one playing it. I sighed and turned it off grabbing my black jacket and phone. I put on the jacket and flipped the hood up, covering my black hair that was straightened over my brown eyes and cheeks with shadows. I turned my light off and walked out, shutting my door behind me.

“I’m going for a walk.” I announced walking down the stairs and looking at my mom, who was eating.

“Whatever.” She shrugged, spinning her fork in the pasta she prepared. My dad looked at me with a gold glare.

“Don’t bring any other fags home with you.” He stated, sternly. I winced at the word; it reminded me of what I am.

“Yes, sir..” I turned and left, walking out onto my porch. I followed the small stone path to my driveway, then walked out onto the sidewalk.

I just walked. Down the street, across the intersects, through some shortcuts; all the way downtown. It wasn’t as busy as usual, but there were still cars rushing down the streets.

I was passing a few shops when I heard shouting from a distance behind me.

“Hey, fag!! Get back here!!” I stopped and turned, wondering if they were calling me. A couple of shops away, I saw two guys from my school, the ones who always decided to hurt, chasing another boy who looked strangely like me.

He was skinny. Extremely. He was wearing a skin-tight band t-shirt that stretched down to his hips, and dark black skinny jeans that hung past his hips but didn’t seem to be falling off. He seemed to be running away from them, seeing as he made it to me in a less than a minute.

As he ran past me, I looked at him and time seemed to slow. His hair was spiked in the back, barely being pushed by the force of the air as he ran. It was long in the front, covering his right eye, but only slightly covering his left. And that’s when our eyes met.

His eyes were blue, such an icy blue that they looked white with dark blue edges. All I could do was stare at his pale face that held no flaws.

When time sped up again I realized that his eyes held something I’d never experienced before. Fear.

He was ahead of the boys by a couple yards, so when I held out my leg to trip the first one, I was just in time. He fell forward, bracing himself. The second one fell over him, using him as protection against slamming his head onto the cement. They both got up and glared at me.

“Oh look, another fag.” The first one hissed, coldly.

“Must have been helping the other one. Is that right, Eli?” The second one’s voice was more of a tease, as if he was mocking me.

“Why do you care?” I asked, bitterly. I didn’t really know why, but I wanted to keep the other one far away from these guys. They were both bad news. I mean, what did that one kid do to them?

Come to think of it, what haveyou ever done to them?

“He’s a fag, just like you. He deserves to be beaten. He’s going to hell, anyway.” The second one answered the question I didn’t ask aloud.

“And we ‘care’,” the first used air quotes, “because you’re distracting us.” He looked behind them and sighed. “He’s gone. Great. Thanks a fucking lot, fag. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” They ran back in the direction they were moving in before.

So the other one’s gay, too? Lovely.

I felt some sort of happiness fall over me. There wasn’t a lot of it, but enough to make me smile. I couldn’t help but be attracted to him. His face was flawless, his eyes were beautiful, and his body was sexy as fuck!

When my mind wandered into thinking of me ever having a chance with him, my smile dropped. I felt like such a dick.

You are what you eat, dumbass.

I was only looking at his body, not even the fact he was smart enough to run. Or the fact he was scared of those jackasses.

I mean, yeah he was gorgeous and shit, but I’m already hoping for him to want to go out with me? That’s just pathetic.

I grimaced to myself and kept walking the same way the other three ran. I put my hands in my jean pockets and looked around me. Only 4 or 5 people were out walking. About 6 cars would pass by every few minutes.

“Excuse me?” A smooth voice shyly called from behind me. I turned around expecting a young boy or a one of the guys 2 grades lower than me. You know, a freshman.


It was the teenager from earlier. The one I saved from those jackasses. He gave a small smile, and I couldn’t help but lose my breath.

“Y-Yeah?” Damn my nervousness. I hated that I felt this way. I didn’t know what I was feeling, but I hated it to no end. My stomach tied up and it became even harder for me to keep a chill appearance.

“I saw what you did and wanted to say thanks.” I shrugged.

“Don’t mention it. I just did what I thought was right.” I was thankfully able to speak without fainting or stuttering. This time.

“Well, I’m new here and I guess once they saw me they immediately knew I was gay.” He looked to the side, and I could see a the blush and stained his cheeks.

It was adorable.

“That might be my fault.” I said, trying to give him the subtle hint of me being gay.

“How?” He looked at me, depression glistening from his eyes.

“Well, you don’t look all that different from me, and guess what. I’m gay, too. So, add it all up and it’s obvious why they chased you.” The sign of distress flashed from his eyes and the pink color returned to his cheeks.

“O-oh, well you know my pain then, right? Being hurt for something you didn’t choose..” I noticed small amounts of water flow into his bottom eyelid.

“Yeah... I do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
turkeyy!!! x]

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