The Hospital


The room was silent as light from the setting sun slanted across the walls of the abandoned hospital.
I was busy dulling my tools, to make this task longer and cause more pain. More pain meant he'd talk. Sing like a canary. Tell me everything I'd need to know.
I'd been hired by the government to interrogate and then take out their enemies. Apparently I did my job well, because they kept hiring me.
The man that had been brought to me began to stir. I swore under my breath and adjusted my mask.
It was almost a shame that he was marked to die. He was beautiful.
His blue-green eyes flickered open, unfocused. The heavy sedative was just weraing off
"Where am I?" he slurred. He struggled with the heavy-duty glass tape that held him to the battered gurney.
"You are a confirmed member of the terrorist organization known as the Crows." It was not a question.
"Huh? No. No I'm not."
I slapped him hard. A handprint formed on his pale cheek.
"Don't lie to me or I will hurt you."
"No! This is all a mistake!"
"Who is your leader?" I demanded.
"I'm not a terrorist! I'm not!"
"Tell me!"
"This is all wrong!"
"TELL ME!" I yelled.
"I'm no-"
I broke his wrist with a brutal snap.
He screamed.
"We don't know his name! He's known as Wraith!"
"Where is he?"
"I don't know! I don't know!"
"Where is he?"
"I swear I don't-"
With a practiced movement, I snatched up my scalpel and held it over him threateningly.
"Where is he?"
He whimpered.
"I don't know, I don't know," he whispered.
I lowered the blade to his ivory throat.
It touched and drew blood.
"I'll tell you everything but I promise I don't know where he is!"
"Tell me."
"They're based in Washington. They have members in the government."
"What are the planned attacks?"
"New York City. New Orleans. Memphis." He rattled off names of major cities all over the country.
"Good." I removed the blade from his neck.
"That's all I know. If I was more important I'd know more."
...once again, tbc
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Operation might not be on the first level. I can't recall. Click on the arrows by the stairwells if you don't see it. Good luck.