Angel of mine


Gabriella Winters heaved a sigh as she slammed her locker shut. It had been a long day at school, and she really couldn’t wait to go home and relax. It seemed that the closer it became to the end of the semester, the more the teachers decided to push work onto them. This year, her senior year, was also her most important. A year from now, she would be in college. Although it was an exciting thought, it also brought her sadness. Soon, she would be leaving her friends, and everyone she grew up with.

“Hello there, miss!’ Gabriella turn around to find her best friend standing there.

“Hi, Katie,” Gabriella said, smiling at the short brunette standing before her.

Katie huffed as she reached up and rested her arm on her friends shoulder, “I swear, these teachers are going to kill me,”

“I know right,” Gabriella replied as they walked down the hallway. “It’s like they don’t realize that every other teacher is giving us the same amount of work. They really need to get together and talk about these things.

Katie laughed, “Come on, Mary and Lindsay are waiting for us outside,” And with that, the two girls went up to meet with their friends.

As they walked through the halls, Gabriella watched as everyone they passed looked to the two of them. Boys would put on a flirtatious smile, and girls would wave with cheer. It didn’t matter who they were, but everyone seemed to take the time to say hi.

“I don’t understand why everyone is always like this. Why everyone always seems to want see me,” She said, voicing her thoughts to her best friend.

The brunette laughed, “Because everybody likes you, Gab. You’re like an angel,”

The other rolled her eyes, “I am not,”

“Yes you are,” Katie said. “I mean, you even look like one. Blonde hair, blue eyes, exceptionally beautiful, pale but gorgeous skin, perfect figure. Plus, you’re like the most virtuous person I know. You never do anything wrong, but you never judge anyone for what they do. You are very chaste with your boyfriends, but while most girls would be considered a prude for it, it make you even more attractive. You’re nice to everyone, no matter who you are. And everyone loves you for it. Face it, Gab, you’re pretty much an angel.”

Gabriella stood in silence for a moment, taking in the words of her best friend, “Whatever you say, but it’s not true. Besides, not every one like me,” She said. At that moment they walked past a couple hanging on each other at the lockers. The boy caught her eye and gave her a curt not, grin on his face. The girl, however, turned around, and gave the two of them an evil glare.
“That’s just Melinda, and she think’s that she’s some goddess,” Katie said, rolling her eyes as she ignored the hate radiating from her. “And besides, secretly she’s jealous because you’re prettier than her, and guys would much rather be with you than her.”
Gabriella laughed, and the girls continued on their way.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through Gabriella’s upper back. “Ow!” She exclaimed, reaching back to rub her shoulder blades.

“What’s wrong?” Katie asked, giving her friend a concerned look,”

“Nothing,” Gabriella replied, “My back’s just acting up again. It‘s the third time today.”

“You should get that looked at.”

Gabriella shook her head, “Already have, and nothing’s wrong. But I guess it wouldn’t hurt to go again,” She said. “Now come on, you know how impatient Mary can be,” and with that, they continued on their way to meet their friends.

“Took you two long enough!” Mary said as the two girls approached.

“Sorry, I just had to fit my entire locker in this bag,” Katie said.

“Tell me about it,” Lindsay said as the four girls grouped together outside. “You guys want a ride home? I’ve got to go to work so I have the car,”

“That would be lovely!” Katie said excitedly. Soon, they made their way to the parking lot. Katie grinned as she looked at her friends before shouting, “I call shotty!” And with that, she took off running.

“Oh no you don’t!” Mary said, and she was soon on her friend’s tail.

“What are we going to do with those two?” Gabriella said as she laughed with her friend.

Lindsay shook her head, “I don’t know. Drop them off on the side of the road?”

“Sounds like a good idea,” Gabriella replied, and the girls laughed once more as they caught up with the other two.
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So, this is the first chapter in my new story, "Angel of Mine". New chapter to come very soon!