Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Ten

I read the last few words of Alice's letter over and over again.

She needs my help.

I felt the need to hand write this letter.


I wish you weren't leaving so abruptly. I was hoping we'd be able to meet. Our manager told us that we'll be in the UK in August. The month after next. I'll send you tickets to our show, if you want. I definitely won't forget when I'm rich and famous. Maybe, you can come on tour with us in your down time. If you've got any.

I know exactly what you mean. I feel like I've known your forever. You're like a long-lost lover.

Ah, Derek, of course I remember him. I am so sorry, Alice. I'm so sorry he hurt you. I don't know what to say. All I can say is that I'm sorry. So, sorry, Alice. You deserve so much better than a cheating piece of shit like him.

- Alex.
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I'm sorry my chapters are always so short.
Thank all of you for all your comments!
I <3 you guys. ;]