Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Eleven

For days I have been a walking robot. I eat, sleep and repeat. Nothing else to do at the moment. My exam results came in the mail yesterday, all conforming that I can actually go to university. I remember letting out a deep breath when I found out. Then its only 1 and a half more weeks until I leave and go down south. Cardboard boxes litter my room. All of them labelled. There’s 2 with clothes and shoes, one with notebooks and pens and all of that sort of stuff. Another with my cd’s and books. I don’t really have a lot of books. Music is more of my thing. Lastly I have a small box filled with letters. Letter’s from Alex. I cant get rid of them. Several times I have caught my parents trying to bin them. Get rid of them. I finished staking the boxes in a corner apart from one of the one’s with clothes in them. My new apple Macbook pro sitting on top. A leaving present from all of the family. The last one I will ever get.

As I placed the last box down I heard the clink of the letterbox closing and the thud of paper if hitting the hardwood floor. Racing to the door I found 5 letters. Parents. Parents. Parents bill. Mine. Mine. I threw the letters not for me on the kitchen worktop and took mine to my room. Jumping onto my bed I sat cross legged and looked at my letters. One from Oxford and one from Alex. I ripped open the one from Oxford. It contained my dorm number and building name along with my class timetable, It’s the 28th June today. I’m just counting down the days till the 2nd of august. The day classes start. 5 weeks exactly. I just cant wait.

I grab Alex’s letter and carefully rip the top open. Its hand written which is unusual for Alex, he normally types as he says “Its easier for you to read then”. Well whatever he thinks. I read the letter paying every attention to it. Letting each word soak into my head before taking out a notepad and paper.

I know I’m leaving quite abruptly but I honestly cant wait to get out of this dead end place. I got my new address today. Well my dorm name and number. It’s just all sinking in now. I love the name’s of the dorms. You know the Harry Potter series? They are named after the houses in that. I think its amazing. Well I’m staying in the Hufflepuff dorm room number 12. So you can send the letters there as of the 10th July, that’s when I’m moving in.

In that case I cant wait to see you in August. Maybe then I will find out that you’re a 70 year old man, but lets just hope not because if you were I would be very worried. And scared. And probably run away. I’m joking. Honest. But seriously. You better not forget while your our partying! And I mean that Mr. Rockstar. Going on tour sounds really fun. Maybe after school. I’m going to be crying by the end of it.

Long lost lovers that are yet to meet. You never know what the future holds.

I’m sorry I had to dump all of that on you but to be honest I had to get it out of my system. That’s what I have done as well. I feel free. I am free. Free to be with whoever I want without him. I’m a bird waiting to fly, ready for take off.

Alice x x x
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Okay so first of i dont know the actual names of the dorms in Oxford but i did see something with someone saying about them being changed to the harry potter house names and it comes up on google when you type in "Oxford dorn names" so maybe but anyway i like the idea of it. :D
Also i just want to say that its is my faveourite story to write along with my vampire story :D i love it.
Also please comment and say what you think as very few people are commenting and comments are like legal drugs. They give you a happy high :D

tasha :D