Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Thirteen

I woke up to the sound of the annoying buzz of my alarm. Slamming my hand down I silenced the beeps. I pressed the palms of hands into my eyes and rubbed away the sleep. I stumbled down the stairs and found the mail sitting on the floor. The post man is really early today. I picked up the mail and took my letters. There at the bottom of the pile sat the one I wanted. My adress scribbled in his scrawl. His scruffy yet readable script. A smile filled my face as I read it. Although my smile faulted after I read the last line. “Your like the little sister I never had”. With a slight frown I picked up my pen and started on my reply.

Okay first of what’s with using the posh name. I take it that that’s your full name but don’t worry you will always be my Alex.

I’m going to have to make this one short as I’m just putting the remainder of my things away. I’m moving out today. I need to sell tape all of my boxes shut and take them to the train station, I’m going by train its gonna be a really long journey though.

You better not be 70 because I don’t want some creeper stalking me!

And thank you soo much for listening or reading whatever but I have to go. My train leaves in an hour and I have to leave very soon.

Love Alice,

P.S don’t forget to send the next letter to me dorm

I folded it and placed it in the envelope, waiting to be sent at the station.
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I know its short but its very inportant :D
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