Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Fourteen

I took a deep breath before opening the most recent letter from Alice. I set the letter down on my desk and read it as I type her reply.


Alexander, yes my full name. I guess I just felt like it. You know you didn't answer my question! Do you get a break at all? Let me know.

Like I said, I promise I'm not seventy. If I was seventy I probably would not have patience to wait a week and a half to get a letter back from you.

Just so you know, I'm leaving this Saturday. So we're going to have to work something out with the letter situation. I won't have an address. Do you have an e-mail address? If you don't there will be no way to send me letters on tour.

Be sure to let me know how it all goes.

With Love,

"You're still writing to that chick?" Jack said, from the doorway startling me. I closed my laptop and spun quickly around to face him.

"How did you get in here?" I asked, kind of tense.

"Your front door was unlocked."

"Oh, yeah." I turned back around and reopened my laptop. I clicked print and closed it again.

"So what's with you and that girl? Are you like together?"

"" I took the printed letter from the printer and folded it to fit in the envelope.

I wedged it neatly inside and sealed it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope y'all are reading and enjoying. Leave love.
exes and ohs,

P.S. It would be nice to get suggestions from you guys. What you want to see and all that good stuff!
