Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Fifteen

I walked into my dorm with the post this time. All of my things sitting in my room. I havent met my room-mates yet but I heard they were nice, With a big grin on my face I ripped open my letter. Knowing all to well who it was from. I read over his words a few times before taking out my laptop to email the address he gave me for while he was on tour. With the subject as “Alice” I typed away.

Hmm I like that name, its sound posh though. You don’t sound like a posh snob though. And that’s a good thing. I do get 2 weeks of at Christmas but I don’t know about the rest. Oh and six weeks in the summer. Also, maybe I avoided your question? Maybe? Maybe not?

Well now this is where the internet come’s on because your all fancy and living on a bus you no longer have to wait Mr. impatient.

Well you know have my email because you put your at the end of the last letter, and you wont get a written letter if I would write it. Oh as you can guess I moved in today its really nice and lots of light. It was not fun travelling down though it took ages. With lots of stops. It was not fun at all.

Well have fun on your road trip Mr. Rockstar.

Alice x x x

I clicked send on the computer and shut everything down.
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short yes, im sorry, i really am but i hope you enjoy, please comment :D