Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Seventeen

I jumped six foot in the air as my laptop make a loud ding signifying a new email. I caught my breath again and calmed down before clicking on it to open. I recognised the address to be Alex's and a smile spread across my face.

Pft. Its decided you are a posh snob. I have said so. Or is it your just too cool for ye old pen and paper? maybe? well at least you get to be home for Christmas to be with your family. Summer should be good. If I’m not working to keep up with costs of everything. Me? Avoid a question? never? and no you cant ask why.

You are sooooooo impatient as I recall waiting a week for my bundle of joy in letter form is too long to wait, therefore your impatient. Okay, its more direct I will give you that, you had a smart moment! WOW! I travelled down by train so it wasn’t so bad but I had to cart everything around, my parents didn’t help. To be honest I think they are glad I’m not there now. I don’t know what they are like yet. The first one is supposed to arrive today so fingers crossed

Good luck. Make dreams come true
Alice x x x

I clicked send with a smile and closed the lid down.
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