Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Eighteen.

I am thoroughly insulted by your calling me a snob. Not only, your calling me a snob but the fact that you are so surprised that I am actually intelligent. Jeez. I know I'm no Oxford attendee but I do have something going on up there. Don't take me for a complete moron.
And honestly, I'm just too lazy to pick up a pen and piece of paper. That's probably why my handwriting hasn't improved. Yours has taken a leap, though. It's brilliant compared to when we first started writing. I'm impatient, what can I say, I get it from my father.
Train travel sounds like an adventure. It seems like you'd get to see a lot more scenery and what-not. Did you take any pictures of the train ride? If so, I'd love to see.
I've seen Oxford in pictures, and is absolutely breath taking. How's your dorm? Do you have a good view? Are the people snobby?
Can't wait to hear about those roommates of yours. I'm making these dreams come true for you, Alice.

[All My Love|( I realized what I wrote, then I backspaced)]

Your Friend,

I pressed send.

"If only she knew..." I sighed as I closed the laptop.

"If only she knew what?" Jack said from behind me causing me to jump.


"Alright, whatever." he said, walking away.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just made character pages for the Alex and Alice (Tash, feel free to add to those at your will.)
Leave love.