Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Nineteen

Don’t be insulted really, your sp smart I mean the smartest person I know I mean I don’t know anyone as clever as you. [/sarcasm] Hey! Are you mocking me, just because I got into this great place. You know what I’m just going to ignore you now la la la la la. Nah I’m just kidding. I couldn’t ignore you if I tried. Hmm a moron, I don’t know I mean I see the similarities between you and one.

Wow you are really lazy, how did you manage to pass school if you cant pick up pen and paper. My writing wasn’t that bad Mr. I cant write neatly to save my life.

The train was okay apart from moving all off my boxes to a connecting train. No I didn’t take any pictures the train was moving too fast I’m afraid but I already have tons of pictures of Oxford. Photography is gonna come in very handy. I’m glad I did that crash course in it.

My dorm is really nice it’s a flat basically, I have an on-suite bedroom and I share a kitchen and living room. I’m sharing with 3 girls but only two are here. One of them is called Abbie. She is really nice and is studying photography and Fashion Design. The other one is called Mairi and she is studying psychology so its really mixed. And we all get along great, none of them are the “bleach blonde ouch my nail” kind of girl. They aren’t snobby but really down to earth and Mairi is an amazing cook.

Your making dreams come true for me? Well I know you can make them come true.

Love Alice x x x

I really do. Really. If only you knew.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think :D