Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Twenty-One

I am not sarcastic ALL of the time, just, mostly. Plus your sarcastic too. Don’t forget I know. Oh I know boy.
You are so irresistible, I cant wait to meet you just so I can kidnap you and keep you for myself I just cant get my mind off you. Pft who am I kidding, I shall action you off to the highest bidder. £5. Yes that shall do. Tut tut paying your way through school. I’m ashamed to know you no. I cant be friends with dumb people I’m sorry. I’m joking :D honestly.

Yea I had to switch train twice. It wasn’t so bad I had a few big suitcases but apart from that it wasn’t so bad. But prices on trains are bloody expensive. It cost me £1.50 for a bottle of sprite. That’s not right.

Only you Alex, Only you would think that of my roommates. In case you haven’t figured it out im shaking my head. I don’t think it is possible for a Barbie to get in here unless she is really smart. Like in that film legally blonde. She was blonde, pretty and smart. And it was a good film. Yea my other roommate is really nice. She arrived today, she is studying music business. So record label stuff.

Guess what!

The dedication takes a lifetime but dreams only last for the night

Alice x x x

Once the email sent I shut the lid to my laptop and grabbed my jacket and bag, heading off to class.
♠ ♠ ♠
And for the first time ever here is her OUTFIT
So what do you think, comments? ? ? please