Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Twenty Two


Yeah, I am sarcastic, though I'm not as good at it as you are. Yeah you know it, I'm so yummalicious, you just wanna eat me up, you cannibal. Pffffftt...I am worth far more than that. The starting bid for this big hunk of sexy man should at the least be a million dollars.(:

What has this world come to? £1.50 for a bottle of sprite? It's stupid that they would even charge you for beverages when you already paid for the god damned train ticket? Jesus.

Those roommates of yours better not be ugly, because who wants to wake up next to friggin Igor? Hahahaha. That's mean, I'm sorry. Yeah, I guess so. I didn't really watch Legally Blonde. Because I'm not into chick flicks, but whatever, I can get over the fact that all females have a terrible taste in movies. I'm kidding, but I mean c'mon The Notebook, where's the action in that?

Music buisness, eh? I suggest she knows my band? I've gotta go. Show starts soon.

Dedication starts with a dream, dear.

- Alex.