Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Twenty Three

You are learning young padawan, and you are learning fast. You yummalicious? Edible? Now who is cocky? Who is getting big headed? Who’s ego is now bigger that ever? I think that would be yours? Am I right or am I right. I am terribly sorry darling but you are not worth that much. Slaves are traded for things such as a bag a peanuts. A small measly bag of peanuts. Cheap ones of that. Like the ones you get on aeroplanes.

No, it’s a business, they try to scam every penny from you. And that much for a bottle is how its done.

They’re not ugly, or at least none of them look like ugly Betty. Igor. Don’t make fun of Igor I love that film. it’s an animation film. Sorry, inner child coming out again. Alex! How can you have not seen Legally Blonde. I demand you to rent it out, I don’t care where you are or what you are doing. Rent it out and watch it now! Now! Now! I don’t care what you think of chick flicks, you will watch it tonight. Is that an insult? Really? Are you challenging me? Are you saying that I have bad film choices? Of course there is no action in The Notebook, it’s a romance, not a thriller. Don’t be stupid.

You still haven’t guessed what! You have to guess!

Go sing your heart out, That’s where dedications start

Alice x x x

I clicked send on and closed the lid shut. Looking at the time I scrambled around and quickly tied my shoes before running out the door.
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10 STARS PEOPLE! TEN STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow this must be loved :D
here is her Outfit

also im going to as you wonderful people if you could please read my vampire story Her heart Beats red wine Im working on the sequel to that but nobody seems to be commenting or anything so im looking for advice and thoughts