Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Twenty Four

Why shouldn't I be cocky? You and I should both be cocky as hell. If anyone deserves to be cocky it's us two. A brilliant Oxford attendee and the desperately good looking lead singer of a kick ass band. Yeah, we deserve to brag. I understand that it's buisness but it doesn't make it any less dumb.

I was joking, you know. About your roommates. I'm sure they're way hot, as hot as a smart chick gets in any case. By the way, when I said Igor I wasn't dissing the film. I was talking about the character's appearance. He's just...strange looking. I'm aware that the Notebook is a romance, thank you. It was just Two people in love and yeah..lame. No way in hell will I dare watch Legally Blonde. Please, Alice, you're throwing me into such hysterical fits of laughter that I might pee my pants.

You're seriously making me guess? You can't just tell me? Fine I will're pregnant? No, no, no even're dropping out of school to come tour with me and my band? God, I'm awful at guessing can't you just tell me already? Are you moving out of the dorms? Are you I dunno..I'm tired.

See you soon!

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You all are amazing!
The comments, and such are super appreciated.
Thank you thank you thank you.
You are loved.(:

P.S. If any of you have tumblr. I have one and you can check it out. I'm on there alot so if you have a tumblr. Follow me or whatever. Click for my tumblr!

You can also drop me a line, here on mibba if you are willing and/or able.(:
I have two other ATL fan fictions on which is called A Beautiful Mess which is a Jack Barakat fic and the other which is called Painting Flowers which is an Alex Gaskarth fic.

Question; Any youmeatsix know any good fan fictions that includes either Max or Josh? Message me a link or leave it here as comment, that would be awesome.(: