Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Twenty Six

I'm so proud of you. Being all cocky and what-not. Because like I said if anyone deserves to be it's you (and me).

How dare you assume that I would diss Tim Burton in any way. I love him and his films. So suck it. You hurted my feelings, you evil person. It's not what we all think about, actually. Because I in all honestly concentrate on how easy it is to bear a conversation with a girl. If she's dumb, I won't talk to her. It's very simple.

I'm sorry I forgot, Alice, truly. But you must realize that I have the memory and attention span of a squirrel. Five days til my show in London! I hope you're still coming. This one will be short, I've gotta show. I'll talk to you later.

- Alex.

I closed my laptop and headed off the bus.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love you all. Thank so much for the comments, and the support.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
- Natty

P.S. Something I want the you guys to know, there is a seven hour time difference between Tash (AKA rivals are insane) and myself. We live in separate countries, so sometimes we're not always completely in sync because of that. Another thing with the time difference is that things that we communicate to one another do not get received as quickly as they would if we were in the same time zone. I hope guys understand, and once again thank you.