Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Twenty Seven

I love how I can insult your name and you don’t even notice. Do you get it that much? Do people think that little of you? Awwww poor Lexxy, Ha a new name for you. Yeay. Are you really proud of me? Aww thank you. But you are oh so modest aren’t you, nah I’m kidding you do deserve it. You really do.

You better not that man is a genius, I love you more that you agree with me on that. I‘m sorry I would suck it but mummy always said not to but small thinks in my mouth. Sorry. I really am. I‘m not evil I am the bestest person you will ever talk to. So what your saying is you wont speak to someone who is mentally retarded? That’s not very nice, in that case I guess this is the last one of these ever. Which I’m pretty sad about, oh well.

I don’t know if I am coming now, I mean you forgot about me squirrel. Oh maybe I shall call you that. Hmm Squirrel or Lexxy, I don’t know hmm. I shall think about it. If you want me to go to the show you shall have to convince me. Make me want to go.

4 more days.

Alice x x x

I shut down the laptop and changed into my pyjamas. I placed my laptop onto the desk before ripping back the sheets and clambering into the comfy mattress. I pulled the blanket over me and lay my head down, waiting for sleep to take me. Only a few more days until I meet Alex, is it sad that I’m excited for it?
♠ ♠ ♠
her pyjamas

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