Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Twenty Eight



Well, read this first then go check your mail. There's a present for you, I almost forgot about it sorry, I got something (well a few things) for you. Tell me what you think.

Believe me, I noticed that insult. I'm just mature enough to ignore, because I'm not a child like some people. *cough* *cough* ALICE! *cough* *cough* Strangely enough, I am proud of you. I mean, I know you didn't get a record deal a seventeen, but a full-ride scholarship to Oxford is a pretty big deal, am I right?

Wow, Alice, wow. You think so dirty, I meant suck a lollipop, you dirty minded weirdo. So now you're trying to say that I hate the mentally retarded? That's a low blow. By the way, the correct term is mentally challenged, Miss-I'm-an-Oxford-student-so-I-know-everything-and-Alex-knows-nothing. There's a new nickname for you. lol. I know an even better name for you. Malice, because you are coldhearted and mean. No, I'm kidding.

What squirrel? There was a squirrel? I knew nothing about a squirrel. If that package doesn't convince you I don't know what will. Lexxy, isn't that bad. lol. Though Squirrel is kind of insulting.

I'll see you in three days.


I shut the laptop with a smile on my face. Alice's letters had a way of making me feel a lot better. Even if I wasn't down, hearing from her brought me up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tasha and I are still figuring out the package. Any suggestions?
exes and ohs.