Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Two

"So, class," my huge nosed English teacher began "I mentioned to you last week the pen pal project that we will be doing, right?"

Several heads nodded. "The letters from the other school are here for you all today." he told the class.

I heard a couple outbursts of excitement. Mr. Beasley began calling out last names: "Anderson, Julie...Baker, Gregory...Barakat, Jack...Carter, Dia...Dawson, Rian..." Then, finally myself, "Gaskarth, Alexander."

I slipped out of my desk and moseyed up to the front of the classroom. "Here you are." Mr Beasley handed me the envelope. I took it and made my way back to the desk. Once, in my desk I quickly tore the envelope open. I unfolded a piece of crumpled paper and began to read the scrawly penmanship.

I don’t really know how to start this, and it will probably be a huge ramble and mess of ink that will need to be sent through a machine to understand but I’m going to try. My name is Alice, and before you ever question it, yes like the book Alice in Wonderland. My mum was raised on it basically, and so was I. And yes I do say mum none of that Americancrap gibberish. It has an U in it people.

I have lived my whole life in Scotland. In the same house, And I have always had the same room. I plan on staying here, its just too pretty. I love it.

Music keeps me sane, I swear I would be in a mental home if I didn’t have italthough many say I’m supposed to be there but anyway. . . .I love Fall Out Boy and all of that sort of music. Erm I don’t really know what to say so its your turn now ! ! ! !

Alice x x x

I tore a piece of paper from my binder and began to write a response.

Hi Alice,

My name is Alex. I'm fifteen years old. I'm also terrible at writing letters too. But hey, we can't win em all. I am freshman in high school. I'm in a band with my three best friends. Like I said my name's Alex, short for Alexander. Like, Alexander the Great. I come from a land called Maryland. I have to say, I'm very sorry if you can't read my handwriting. Looks like there's another thing we have in common. By the way, I love Fall Out Boy too. Another thing, I have to warn you that I'm not really a fan of this pen pal project. So, I'm sorry if I seem a little un-enthused. Well, talk to you later. I guess.
- Alex

I folded the paper and put it into a fresh envelope. I sealed it, addressed it and brought it back to Mr. Beasley.
"Here you go." I said, dropping the envelope on his desk.
"Thank you, Alex." he took the envelope and set it along with the others.
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Leave love.