Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Twenty Nine

I woke up and hit the alarm. I looked up at the day, Thursday. 2 days until the concert. I haven’t been on the internet in a few days. Must check my email. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before literally rolling out of bed. Resulting in me lying in a heap on the floor. I threw the sheets up and placed them on the bed before having a very large stretch, cracking several bones. Stumbling to the bathroom I got into the shower and washed away the dirt and scrubbed my hair, before getting changed into today’s clothes.

I stumbled out of my room and into the main living area. Both Abbie and Mairi were sitting on the couch, bowls of cereal on their laps.

“Morning guys” They both said it back and Abbie turned around,

“There is a package on the counter for you, donno who its from though”


I walked over to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of coco pops and started munching on it before going to the package. Its about the size of a normal shoe box covered in brown paper. On the middle of the paper my address was typed out and an “Air Mail” stamp covered the 3 stamps in the corner. I ripped open the paper and found an envelope with my name scribbled in the middle. A smile spread across my face as I recognise the script.


I was thinking of you the whole time through touring. I picked up a few things for you a long the way. The earrings and the bracelet are from New Mexico, though the jewelery box it came in is from Arizona. The sweatshirt is from California, I got it in Los Angeles. The buttons, the Darth Vader keychain and the fake moustaches are from a novelty shop in Boston. The San Francisco sticker is from San Francisco (obviously). The Hello Kitty wallet and candy bracelet is from a Hello Kitty superstore in NYC, there is also an I heart NY sticker that I picked up there also. The two rubber bracelets and t-shirt with the pig on it are from a clothing line called Glamour Kills. The mouse ears are from Disney World Florida and the mug is from Disneyland Anaheim. The candy is some American sweets that I thought you might enjoy. Try the crazy cores skittles first, they are boss! Remember to put the Otter Pops in the freezer ASAP! Take care, I'll see you soon.

With Love,

I rummaged through the box and smiled at all of the little bits and bobs. I took the box and carried it to my bed and tipped it out and found the “Otter Pops” and put them into the freezer. I grabbed my laptop and opened my email and there it sat. The email from Alex. I quickly moved the curser and opened it up before reading and writing a reply to it.

You’re a bit late, sorry I haven’t been on for a bit but I got your present today. Its amazing, Thank you so much I love it. I’m sitting on my bed surrounded by the (few) things for me. You really didn’t need to get me anything. I mean it. But its lovely, thank you so much. Really. I mean it.

Oh! You just cant let me have any fun can you. You are not mature though, you are far from it boy, far from it. I am not childish, I just have my moments. Aww im proud of you to, I mean I know you didn’t get a full ride scholarship to Oxford but you did good to get a record deal at 17, and that’s pretty big deal, right? I think I am.

I am not dirty minded, you thought it I just said it. And plus you love it, don’t deny it. Its really not a low blow its just putting your personality nicely. So what if that is the correct term, I shall use my term. Retard. I’m not cold hearted, I’m not. I love you Alex, I do I do I do. Honestly. See I’m not cold hearted, honest.

The squirrel, you said you have a memory of a squirrel. Wow yea really do if you cant remember that. And your parcel did convince me to go. I will be there, I will be in the venue waiting and watching. Waiting for the magnificence of your band.

See you in 2 days,

Alice x x x

I shut the laptop off and went off to class.
♠ ♠ ♠
Her Package
Her Outfit

Comments? ? ? Thoughts ?? ? whats going to happen? ? ?