Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Thirty

"Flight 236 to London is now boarding." said a monotone female voice over the intercom.

"That's us." Rian announced, getting to his feet.

We showed are boarding passes to a flight attendant, then headed down the corridor that lead to the plane. On the inside, I felt giddy like a child. I had never rode first class in an airplane before. Though that thought was at the back of my mind, I was more excited to finally meet Alice. I found my seat on the plane. Before sitting I put my things in the overhead compartment. I made myself comfortable in my seat and

Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I had the weekend off and I kind of took advantage of it. You better like that damn package, it was freaking expensive with that overnight shipping and such. I hope the clothes fit. I'm on the plane right now, getting ready for departure. This letter is going to be pretty short because I'm trying to send it before I get too far up in the air for an internet connection. Also, I want to catch some z's because it's five a.m. and I don't look good.

That is totally a low blow, but I will have to overlook it because you complimented my band and also because I (sorta) love you back. (: Hey, look at that, you're not as cold hearted as you have lead on. Maybe I should try nice for a change it seems to be working for you. I have to go, the plane's getting off the ground. The flight is seven and a half hours, as much as I'd like to see you as soon as I hit the ground, I highly doubt that will happen. I'll see you as soon as possible.

- Alex.
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Thank you so much emilyrose for the wondeful idea for the package.
I wish I could reply to all of your comments, but I don't always have time. But I hope you guys know that I appreciate it one-hundred percent. Thank you so very much. (: