Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Thirty One

Saturday. Tonight is the concert. I rolled out of bed and brushed my hair so it wasn’t sticking up in every way imaginable. I padded out of my room and got out a bowl followed by a spoon, milk and a box of coco pops. I looked around for the girls but couldn’t see them, instead I found a note on the worktop.
We have all gone out as it’s a nice day. We were going to wake you up but you seemed really sleepy last night so we left you. See you later and you better not sleep the whole day away!
the Girls

A small laugh erupted from my lips as I read the note and went back to my cereal. It was then that I noticed the time. 3:30pm. Sugar. I quickly ate my cereal before washing the bowl and spoon, leaving it to dry on the rack.

I ran through to my room and stripped off my clothes and climbed into the shower. The hot water pelted down from the shower head and relaxed all of my muscled. I poured a dollop of showed gel onto a cloth before rubbing it into my skin. Washing away all of the dirt. I did the same with my hair only with some apple smelling shampoo and conditioner. When I was completely clean with freshly shaven legs I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my big fluffy blue towel around me and dried off. I towel dried my hair before wrapping a smaller towel around it and placing it on my head. Padding through to my room I opened my wardrobe and took out my clothes for the day and started getting dressed. After placing my red dress on I went over to my makeup bag and put on some red eye shadow and some black eyeliner just to make them stand out, followed by some mascara. I started painting my nails a bright red, as I waited for them to dry I got out my laptop and typed out some things for my class. When all of my make up was done I took my hair out of the towel and gave it a quick blast with the hairdryer to make sure it was 100% dry. Running my hair through the straighteners I make sure there was not kinks in it before teasing the top for the perfect height. I slipped some beads on my wrist and a necklace around my neck. I checked the time on my phone and turned off my laptop, saving the work I had done. Grabbing my keys I threw them into my bag along with my purse and the ticket for tonight. I placed a pair of black ballet pumps on my feet and walked out the door at 5pm. Leaving only 2 hours to get to the concert.

I walked down the street until I got to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. Luck being in my favour it turned up only 10 minuets later and I climbed on and sat down at the back, waiting for my stop.

At 5:45pm I thanked the bus driver and got off the bus before making my way to the venue. It was a 20 minuet walk so I tried to go as fast as possible as the show starts at 6:15pm. I don’t want to miss Alex the band. Loud girlish screams hit my ears when I got to the venue. They are everywhere. I walked up to the door and showed the guy my ticket before he let me in. Because of my lateness I was a t the back but managed to push past some people to get halfway into the crowd and just in time for some people to walk on the stage. They burst into song and got the crowd going. The lead singer was bouncing around the whole stage and in between songs all of the members talked to the crowd. Making jokes. As the band finished their last song there goodbyes hit me. I stood there all ears. Waiting to see which on is Alex. The man with the microphone pointed to each person and said their name and instrument.

“We have Caleb Turman playing the guitar along with Marc Stewart playing rhythm. Austin Bello on the bass, Kent Garrison hitting the keyboard. Kyle Burns keeping a beat on the drums and I am Jonathan Cook, singing extraordinaire. And we are Forever The Sickest Kids”

Tears filled my eye’s as I pushed my way through the crowd. Making my way, running to the back door. I pushed past everyone in my way and got myself on the bus home. Tears running down my face. Followed by black lines from my makeup. As soon as the bus stopped I ran off and up to my flat. Ignoring all of the stares I got. Once I reached my door I rummaged through my bag for my keys and unlocked the door. All of the girls were sitting on the couch having a movie night but when they heard me they all turned. Abbie ran over to my and guided my over to the couch where Mairi and Emma made room for me.

“What happened,?”

“He wasn’t there, it was all a lie, he wasn’t there playing like he said he would be” Abbie pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back, we were always slightly closer than the others. I ended up crying until there was no more tears before slowly going to my room and wiping of the remainder of my makeup and pulling off my dress. I pulled on a pair of pyjamas and slid into bed. Curling up into a ball.
♠ ♠ ♠
Concert Outfit

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