Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Thirty Two

"Alex, it's time to go." Jack said from behind me.

"Go where?" I ask, bewildered.

"On stage."

"Oh, yeah..."

I moseyed my way out to the stage, and picked up by guitar.

"Hello London!" glancing over at where Alice should be sitting.

"How are you all feeling tonight?"

The crowd of (mostly) teenage girls erupted in screams.

"This is Running From Lions."

I grabbed a stool. And started strumming the guitar. I got halfway through the song before I gave up. I know Alice well enough to know that she would have been here, most likely early.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you guys, I promise. But for now, here's Hey Monday."

I ran off the stage as fast as I could out of the venue and onto the bus. I had to find Alice's address. I turned the place upside down looking for it. Then, there it was. I took the crumpled piece of paper and stuffed into my pocket. I was walking for what seemed like forever, when I noticed the name of the street. I picked up pace, looking for the campus. When I reached the campus, I looked around for any sign of Alice. No. I noticed a girl sitting on a bench,

"Excuse me?"

She looked up from the laptop that was on her lap. She closed it, and I noticed the apple on it. A mac. Alice has a mac.



"Um, nothing sorry. Can you tell me where the Hufflepuff dorm is?"

"Oh, that's dorm number four. It's that way." She pointed.

"Thank you." I said taking off in the direction the girl had pointed me in.

I ran quickly, up the stairs to the door of the dorm complex. I entered the complex and took the first right down a corridor. Fifteen, fifteen. It was near the end. I knocked on the door and waited. The door opened. A fair complected girl with dark brown hair answered the door.

"Is Alice here?"

She nodded. "I'll get her, wait a moment please."

She went away from the door, then came back. "Can I have your name?"

"Tell her...big brother is here."

"Blondie!," I heard her shout, "it's big brother or something?"

I heard someone get up and come to the door. "Please tell me this isn't one of those blind date things..."

I heard her grab the door handle. I held my breath, then the door swung open .
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh yeah, get excited.
I'm sorry for the cliff hanger you guys, but I just love to keep y'all on the edge of your seats.
& for those of you who are curious as to what Alice looks like:
Here You Go
Thank you for all the support, lovelies. It is definitely appreciated.

P.S. Link Pen to Paper in your signature and I will link a story of yours in mine. Leave a comment on my profile with the link and story title and I will be happy to link you in mine. Thanks (: