Sequel: To Reality
Status: Done! :D

Pen to Paper

Chapter Thirty Three

I woke up from my nap at 7:50pm, sluggishly I walked out of my room and I saw the girls, they all saw my sad face.

“Go get changed and glamed up, were going out tonight, I don’t care what you say, You need to forget this guy” Emma demanded. She stared at me until I raised my hands in defeat.

“Okay” I turned around and went back to my room. I stripped down and went into the shower and washed away the makeup and hairspray from earlier. Once I stepped out from the quick shower I blasted my hair and brushed it. Leaving it straight. I heard the door go and some talking but ignored it and pulled on a matching bra and panties. I heard the handle on my door go but thought nothing off it and just continued. Due to the fact my back was turned to the door I didn’t see who it was, I turned and let out a loud scream and reached for my dressing gown that had been flung to the bed.

There stood a man in shock. He has gorgeous brown hair that was messy but looked amazing. His deep brown eyes wide. He was wearing a top with a flying pig on it with loose skinny jeans and an open plaid shirt. When he came out of his shock he stepped out the room quickly and shut the door. I let the dressing gown slide off and put on some clean clothes.

When I walked out of my room the boy was sitting on the couch, his face in his hands.

“Who are you? And what were you doing in my room?!”

“I didn’t mean to, I just- it was an accident”

“And who are you?”

“I’m” He gulped “I’m Alex”
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Short? yes! but i like where it ends, i like to leave you guys hanging :D